We upgraded our application from 4.4.0 to 5.1.3. we could not find volo.abp.identity Do we missing any references that need to be added in v5.1.3
Added references to HttpApi layer of the microservice in Web. Now it is generating Dynamic Proxies.
We upgraded our application from 4.4.0 to 5.1.3. we are facing error with Redis.
Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.StackExchangeRedis" Version="6.0.0" Include="Volo.Abp.Caching.StackExchangeRedis" Version="5.1.3"
Already there are microservice HttpApi reference in web gateway like product service. if we give web gateway reference in HttpApi layer of the microservice, there will be circular dependency. Dynamic proxies generating for product service with existing references but not for our other microservices.
We upgraded our application from 4.4.0 to 5.1.3
Product Service is generating dynamic proxies in 5.1.3, our Employee Service is not generating dynamic proxies in 5.1.3 In 4.4.0 our Employee Service was able to generate dynamic proxies successfully.
We just tried the Latest 5.1 ABP.IO version but didn't got the LeptonX , are we missing anything here or LeptonX is not part of ABP.IO solution yet.
Yes It worked, I think this is an issue at your end and we expect a refund of ticket
We are unable to login to CLI, it seems some issue at your end can you please guide us.
FYI... we have a valid license till 2023
We tried to implement the Azure AD B2C, everything this working fine, if we use same configuration for all tenants.
When we try to implement tenant based configuration, ClientId and ClientSecret are taking as per the tenant configuration, but Authority is not taking as per the tenant configuration.