@alper I ran into a new problem this morning when I tried to start ABP.io Suite. I see @roop.yekollu@atlasair.com is have a similar problem. So I followed your instructions to them and manually deleted %UserProfile%\.dotnet\tools\.store\volo.abp.suite
. However, as you can see the install is failing.
NOTE: I am logged into ABP via CLI in an Administrative Command Prompt
@Alper, I cannot find the AppUserDto in the applications contrarcts project. The AppUsers model is in the domian project where you'd expect it to be.
The Ticket entity does have an Id (Guid). It inherits from FullAuditedAggregateRoot. I guess I could use an int/long for the Id and display the Id on the UI as the Ticket #. However, the ticket numbers would not be sequancial across tenants so that wouldn't work.
To be honest I'm not following your proposed solution. Are you suggesting that I create a new entity/repo (SequentialNumber) just to store a Ticket Number? We do not need SequenceName, just a int/long. This seems like a lot of extra effort to provide this Ticket Number requirement. Especially since the RDBMS already provides this functionalitly.
Questions How are you guys storing the Question #? This question is #150. Where is that value storted? Is it the Question Id, a property of Question, or is it a navigation link that is stored in seperate table?
I need to create a Navigation Link to an application/tenant user. Where is the AppUserDto located?
I'm building a simple Help Desk application that will allow us to manager our support tickets and assign them to users who's belong to the Support Technician role. The Ticket entity is pretty simple.
.UseIdentityColumn(1000, 1);
to the Ticket's auto generated context model located here: HelpDeskDbContextModelCreatingExtensions.cs
builder.Entity<Ticket>(b =>
b.ToTable(HelpDeskConsts.DbTablePrefix + "Tickets", HelpDeskConsts.DbSchema);
b.Property(x => x.TenantId).HasColumnName(nameof(Ticket.TenantId));
b.Property(x => x.Number).HasColumnName(nameof(Ticket.Number)).UseIdentityColumn(1000, 1);
b.Property(x => x.Tags).HasColumnName(nameof(Ticket.Tags));
b.Property(x => x.Issue).HasColumnName(nameof(Ticket.Issue));
b.Property(x => x.Solution).HasColumnName(nameof(Ticket.Solution));
I suspect this error is caused when the UpdateAsync(Id, Ticket) tries to update the Number identiy field.
How do I correct this issue? Note this also happens when I try to delete the ticket.
I'm assuming I need to modify the TicketAppService Update/Delete
public virtual async Task<TicketDto> UpdateAsync(Guid id, TicketUpdateDto input)
var ticket = await _ticketRepository.GetAsync(id);
ObjectMapper.Map(input, ticket);
var updatedTicket = await _ticketRepository.UpdateAsync(ticket);
return ObjectMapper.Map<Ticket, TicketDto>(updatedTicket);
Where is the AppUserDto located?
@Alper, it is working now. I don't know why... I starting diggin into the suite logs to find more info for you and it just started working.