Hello Muhammed,
I thank you for your message. I have tested your suggested changes and it is working.
Should this change incorporated in ABP next version as well ? I do not quite understand why this language cookie is pretty much the only cookie missing path=/ .
Hello Albert,
So I went digging for my whole day yesterday into ABP and ABP commercial source code and I have found the issue :
The script that is responsible for setting the cookie is missing something :
function setLanguageToCookie(injector) {
return () => {
const sessionState = injector.get(SessionStateService);
const document = injector.get(DOCUMENT);
const cookieLanguageKey = injector.get(COOKIE_LANGUAGE_KEY);
sessionState.getLanguage$().subscribe(language => {
const cookieValue = encodeURIComponent(c=${language}|uic=${language}
document.cookie = ${cookieLanguageKey}=${cookieValue}
If the path of the cookie is not specified then it is assigned to the path of the current page, which causes the problem in my case ; thus the fix (tested) is to change the line :
document.cookie = ${cookieLanguageKey}=${cookieValue}
document.cookie = ${cookieLanguageKey}=${cookieValue};path=/
I did change manually the generated script (main.js) on the server to test but I do not know where I should do this change for a clean fix.
Could you tell me in which file I should do the change before compiling ?
Hello Albert,
I am sorry but I could not test as we have a blocking issue with the build since thursday . I will test what you have suggested as soon as I can.
Hello Albert,
Thank you for the answer. I'll test it asap.
We can do a Teams or TeamViewer session if that helps. Just send me an email.
I have tried in incognito mode, no luck, same behavior.
You woud not have access to our integration server for security reasons ; I have tried from home, it does not work.
The culture (with / path) can be already set by other domain before you navigate to sub-domain.
This is probably true. The cookie with path '/' is set up at login. The cookie with the path /Centraltools/masterdata is set up at login and updated when I use the switch language feature.
Still I have no clue on how to advance from here. I was thinking maybe, I have to override the switch language cookie creation mechanism or on the contrary block the creation of the cookie with root '/'.
Any suggestion is welcome.
After digging more with how ressources are loaded and when, I understand my mistake.
The CreateCacheItem method is already called for every resource ; by adding those dictionaries, I was making many unnecessarily calls.
For some reason, the exact code https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/1642/Is-there-a-way-to-bypass-Tenant-for-Translations#answer-eea69656-8bb0-af79-e8fb-39fe16c17820 did not work when I first tried it 2 months ago ( bad copy paste ?) but now it is working.
Thank you
At first, I only added a few needed ressources.
But then I found out that many translations were missing.
It is not always clear to me what resource abp uses to get translations but after adding resources one by one, I ended up adding all ABP resources, just in case as there was always one ressource missing each time I tested.
Concerning the resources on our side, I can remove 2 at most.
Hello Maliming,
Thank you for your quick reply, your solution works very nicely !
( I just had to replace the resource.ResourceName with the name of the resource I want to target, for exampel AbpIdentity)
Best Regards