I am upgrading from V5.3 to V6.0.1 and at the same time am trying to remove IdentityServer dependency.
I am currently using a custom claim added as below (Domain Project)... how to accomblish the same with OpenIdDict module
Configure<AbpClaimsServiceOptions>(options => { options.RequestedClaims.Add("MY_CUSTOM_CLAIM"); });
I am using Azure AD to authenticate and I pull a custom claim "Country"
I want to use that custom claim all over the application, and I also want it to be used for AUTO Filtering Data at the Repository Level.
what are the best options to enable this requirement using ABP functionality and core extensibility
Please make the Toolbar > LanguageSwitch in Lepton Theme auto hide if there is only one language
I am managed to integrate Azure AD with ABP and Blazor UI.
What I want is to get more properties from Azure AD like "Groups" and "Managed By" and get access to them in ABP "CurrentUser" shared property.
How do I do this task?
I am trying to localize Validation Messages for POCO (DTO) classes on Blazor.
I have my own Resource added and is working fine on notifications and other strings. but I want to localize the <ValidationError>
tags on Razor pages
Example DTO
public class StockTypeCreateDto
----ADD IT HERE---
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool IsStatic { get; set; }
Example Razor
<FieldLabel>@L["Label:Name"] *</FieldLabel>
<TextEdit Autofocus="true" @bind-Text="@NewStockType.Name" MaxLength="StockTypeConsts.NameMaxLength">
----ADD IT HERE---
<ValidationError>@L[MyProjectErrorCodes.RequiredField, L["Label:Name"]]</ValidationError>
Here is the scenario:
I am developing separate parts of an application each with its own module solution that has everything including the UI.
but I ran into an issue, how do I create a Global Search UI in a demo solution that uses these modules?
I need to have a search box with a drop-down list (Products, Stocks, Cars) that does search and return results on the demo solution.
how do I architect the projects to accomplish this scenario?
I have found multiple anserts to adding a navigation property to a custom entity howerever there are no straightforward steps.
I have a module solution and I need to add a navigation property to my custom entity to the IdentityUser
please provide steps by step and hopefully add it to the official documentation for v4.2.2
the documentation should have a dedicated page for this subject "Integrating base user Identity with your entities"
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