Hi, i am sure using correct tokens, which i sent you the claims
Host admin token { "nbf": 1620373769, "exp": 1651909769, "iss": "/ca-identity", "aud": "CA", "client_id": "CA_App", "sub": "c078ca72-4869-5383-7919-39fb0586c555", "auth_time": 1620373762, "idp": "local", "role": "admin", "phone_number_verified": "False", "email": "admin@abp.io", "email_verified": "False", "name": "admin", "sid": "2772ED5FA9773ADB01C8DCDF6B6E44D2", "iat": 1620373769, "scope": [ "openid", "CA", "offline_access" ], "amr": [ "pwd" ] }
Tenant admin token
{ "nbf": 1620373904, "exp": 1651909904, "iss": "/ca-identity", "aud": "CA", "client_id": "CA_App", "sub": "1f1207be-c392-3215-258e-39fb05868f66", "auth_time": 1620373896, "idp": "local", "tenantid": "0748e09a-d518-92fb-df3a-39fb058627cc", "role": "admin", "phone_number_verified": "False", "email": "admin@default-tenant.com", "email_verified": "False", "name": "admin", "sid": "AB62428E55B0BFB174AFD6FB1B8DBDCE", "iat": 1620373904, "scope": [ "openid", "CA", "offline_access" ], "amr": [ "pwd" ] }
is there a problem? when host admin has the permission the tenant token also making request and getting 200, but when i remove the permission from host admin role than bot tokens getting 403
In which document this is explained? i cannot see. Our migrationservice is still in fthe form of the first version. We need to change there like your example.
Permission Definition: queryManagement.AddChild(QueryPermissions.QueryManagement_ExportImport, localizationHelper.L("Permission:QueryManagement:ExportImport"));
AppService Method Authorization [Authorize(QueryPermissions.QueryManagement_ExportImport)] public async Task<IActionResult> Export()
Steps to repro:
As a result, when permission is granted to the host admin, all tenant admins without permission access the resource
Permission Definition: queryManagement.AddChild(QueryPermissions.QueryManagement_ExportImport, LocalizationHelper.L("Permission:QueryManagement:ExportImport"));
follow this steps:
But i tested this; after adding the permission , if you add the tenant after the permission definition then everyting works fine
when will this bug and default langueage bug be fixed?
that error occurs in "Genel Görünüm" page. I opened the tab in Incognito mode and entered this demo address, after pressing "Genel Görünüm" page this error is thrown in console
http://9d7c0e1ede1ff59d.demo.commercial.abp.io/dashboard enter directly this address, and route dashboard from login you will see the error, and also the start and end date datepickers are not working.
after migration to v3.2 when your browser default language is turkish, application is opening in turkish language selection even if the default language is english
and also when it comes with turkish culture, after you log in datepickers are not workinf properly and console logs this error. "ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: InvalidPipeArgument: 'Missing locale data for the locale "tr".' for pipe 't'" but if you click "English" and then click "Türkçe" again it works correctly.
I created a demo , http://9d7c0e1ede1ff59d.demo.commercial.abp.io/dashboard , and the error occurs there also.