I am trying to do: abp generate-proxy -m OrderService and it is showing the subjected error message.
I tried with --url , same thing.
Solution is to have shared library between the services. ETO must be exactly the same.
I am trying to subscribe from (Core.Notifications) to an event sent by (FirstClientApp), however it is not working These are the steps I have followed:
Package installed : Volo.Abp.EventBus.RabbitMQ
In FirstClientApp.HttpApi.Host --> FirstClientAppHttpApiHostModule.cs , I added the following:
In FirstClient.Application --> ProductsAppService.cs
I injected IDistributedEventBus
, then used it on CreateAsync
method like this:
await _distributedEventBus.PublishAsync(new ProductEto(product.Id, product.Name, product.Description, product.Price, product.FileId));
Package installed: Volo.Abp.EventBus.RabbitMQ
In Core.Notifications.HttpApi.Host --> NotificationsHttpApiHostModule.cs, I added the following:
I added the following class on Core.Notifications.Application:
Breakpoint never hit.
What am I missing ??
How to remove lpx-toolbar-container completely on Angular ?
I tried replaceable component it did not work.
How can i remove this part, i tried with ReplaceableComponentsService https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/UI/Angular/Component-Replacement , i did not find this component.
I just scaffolded a new solution, and i did not find an option to enable LDAP login on the settings page, am I missing somethiong?
so this is useless?
Just scaffolded a solution and when i want to run the angular app, it shows an error :
An unhandled exception occurred: ENOENT: no such file or directory, lstat 'C:\myPath\node_modules@volosoft'