I want to log each request and if face error, log proper error.
Users that are in db.AbpUsers table can be accessable with all their properties? How to get all db.AbpUsers users using IRepository<CLASS> Get method?
How to Customize the Login Page for MVC / Razor Page Applications
I got this link from an ABP Support person, following above mentioned link. I am getting this error. The type or namespace name 'AbpAccountOptions' does not exist in the namespace 'Volo.Abp.Account.Web' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
I set up Azure Active Directory B2C and Integrate ABP Angular Application. I want to know how to set roles for users who successfully authenticate and get back?
I have an ABP Angular application whose backend is on ABP asp .net core(API).
I want to enable Google, Facebook, and Microsoft authentication on my Angular application.
How does ABP authencate a user when a user successfully login or signup in B2C?