Activities of "learnabp"

I tried 4.3.2 and i can't even navigate to the setting page i am getting "access denied" error,

please see issue

i think there is bug in the new 4.3.2 Commercial template it is trying to acess the Email Settings tab as a tenant and redirecting to "Access Denied"

I think it is a bug becuase it is trying to access the Email Settings tab for the tenant and since the tenant doesn't have access to the Email Settings it is giving "Access Denied"

Hi, I just upgraded to ABP Commercial 4.3.2 and created a new solution called Acme.BookStore and then created a new tenant

when i try and go to settings under Administration i get the following error

can you please let me know what the issue is the admin has access to the settings in the permissions

Dear Albert

I am using the Commercial MVC template 4.2.2

I have commented the below lines in the *.Domain project and have setup the SMTP setting currectly, other emails are being sent out currectly.

        //#if DEBUG
        //context.Services.Replace(ServiceDescriptor.Singleton<IEmailSender, NullEmailSender>());

The verification emails are not set out as part of the login flow, the user has to be logged in and access their profile and click on verify, however if it is a new user how can they login to access their profile. The verification process should be done during log on and an email should be sent out to the user so they can verify their email and phone number for TwoFactor authentication to kick in.

Can you please let me know if the Verification of email and phone number is part of the login flow?

i have looked at the source code of the Account.Pro module which comes with the commerical template and i can't see the verification process in the login flow can you please confirm?

When a Tenant Admin has the following Sinin options selected

He then adds a user to the tenant by adding a user under the Identity, the user is not able to log in and get the following message.

How is a user supposed to Verify their Email and Phone number if they can't login to the application.

well may be this is not the best way .... becuase i am not using Ajax and becuase my form is using the Post method I have written some javasciprt to get over the hurdel of validating the TenantName and confirm password fields.

var abp = abp || {};

$(function () {

    var subscriptionService = window.desertFire.ppm.subscriptions.subscription;

    var $frmBuy = $("#frmBuy");
    var $btnRegisterTenant = $("#btnRegisterTenant");
    var $tenantName = $("#txtTenantName");
    var $txtAdminPassword = $("#txtAdminPassword");
    var $txtConfirmAdminPassword = $("#txtConfirmAdminPassword");

    $ (e) {

        var isTenantNameAlreadyExist = false;



        ).then(function (isTenantNameAlreadyExist) {


            if (isTenantNameAlreadyExist) {

                abp.message.error("Sorry this Tenant Name: '" + $tenantName.val() + "' already exists, please choose another");

            } else if ($txtAdminPassword.val() != $txtConfirmAdminPassword.val()) {

                abp.message.error("The Password do not match, please ensure that the confirm password is the same!");

            } else {





Dear Volosoft Team this is method the right approach?

We are using the payment module we have a form which creates a tenant

What is the best way of posting the form to the prepayment page using ajax so that the form can be validated by abp before being sent to the prepayment onpost method.

payment module example uses


the form we have is not in not in a modal it is just on a page.

what do you mean by DomainException .... do i have to throw the BusinessException in Domain Project

i am throwing the exception in my OnPost when i submit the form on a page to check if tenant exists

    if (tenant != null)

        throw new UserFriendlyException(message: "Tenant Name already exists please choose another");


what do you mean by DomainException .... do i have to throw the BusinessException in Domain Project

no a dialogbox which shows like the one that often says "internal error occured"

like above but with mu custom messgae of tenant not found

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