I have written a guide about how to use a management module as a microservice; using Audit-Logging as the sample.
Guide should be available today or tomorrow. I will share the guide link.
We've fixed this issue and it will be available in the next patch. However I will keep this issue open until we confirm it is fixed.
As a work around, adding appsettings.json and appsettings.secret.json to TestBase
projects of related services should fix the issue.
I have reproduced the problem. We'll fix this problem as soon as possible.
Can you share:
methodThey should be configured as shown above.
Did you manually update your project or used cli to update?
I have no experience nor knowledge about Azure APIM. Token is sent on the header automatically when you start the request from the application. If gateway doesn't manipulate the request headers and just redirects; there shouldn't be any problem.
Ok, can you refer a code or sample if we would like to pass additional headers while redirecting to webapi
You can use aspnet.core middleware by injecting httpContext and add response headers.
Thank you for pointing that out. We will discuss about data filters like ISoftDelete is not being tracked from the parent entity.
I have no experience nor knowledge about Azure APIM. Token is sent on the header automatically when you start the request from the application. If gateway doesn't manipulate the request headers and just redirects; there shouldn't be any problem.
We are planning a new release (5.1.4) on 28.02.2022.
As a workaround, you can update your related MyServiceEntityFrameworkCoreTestModule
Configure<AbpDbContextOptions>(options =>
options.Configure(abpDbContextConfigurationContext =>
Configure<AbpDbContextOptions>(options =>
options.Configure<MyDbContext>(abpDbContextConfigurationContext =>
Share your OIDC configuration please.
Edit: If this issue is solved, can you move this conversation to your other issue at https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/2644/OpenIdConnectAuthenticationHandler-messageState-is-null-or-empty--Where-do-I-need-to-configure-this-error. That represents the problem better. Can you re-open that issue and share OpenId configuration at module service configuration?