It's work fine thanks armanozak
Hi armanozak Can you please make an example for load my custom module with IdentityModule?
I've created identity-extended module with guide : in version: 2.x.x. it's ok but after I upgraded to version 3.1.0 it has error
The picture below when I tried to do the guide above, after the v3.x.x I don't see the argument in forRoot(option?: IdentityConfigOptions)
like v2.x.x
This is another error when I remove the argument and use only IdentityConfigModule.forRoot({}),
with app-routing
Thanks Mehmet
Hi alper! 2.Solution: If you are required to run the project in Development environment in the container, copy your local ABP token file %UserProfile%.abp\cli\access-token.bin into the Docker container's relavant directory.
where Docker container's relavant directory I will copy? thanks
That's what i need thank you so much