Yes, that seems to work. I got the impression that that was the fix for the hanging tests, but everything seems to work without it. Thank you for your help!
Ok, thanks. Do you have any suggestions on how to handle our current problem? We didn't have nested transactions problem before, but now we do. What caused the change? Why does the nested transactions problem occur during the tests? As far as I know, Abp unit of work system should be able to recognize if there is a transaction open already.
Is this a new limitation? This worked fine earlier.
Ok. that " context.Services.AddAlwaysDisableUnitOfWorkTransaction();" actually brought another problem for us. With some of our integration tests, we use test collection to speed up the test execution. We used the transactional unit of work to control the system state, so the tests were not dependent on each other. System state changes were rollbacked after the test. Now that the transactions are disabled, these tests are now interdepended and some query tests fail because another test has affected the database state. I know that Abp recommends to do the test initilization per test, but with larger test sets, that makes the test excecution slower and slower. Is there any way to control the transaction separately per test now? Is there any other good way to speed up the test excecution with larger amount of integration tests?
hi, that seemed to fix the problem.Awesome, Thank you! Can you please explain why that helps, so I can put a comment in our code?
I found out that we have this kind of configuration
var redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(configuration["Redis:Configuration"]); var dataProtectionBuilder = context.Services.AddDataProtection().SetApplicationName("ABC"); dataProtectionBuilder.PersistKeysToStackExchangeRedis(redis, "ABC-Protection-Keys");
I can see two different options to discriminate the data between the deployment stages: either define the stage in application name or Redis key name ( ABC-Protection-Keys). The question is which should we use and should we set different application names for the identity server and the web application?
Ahh, I missed that it was related to tawk to integration which we have used in our application. Thank you for your answer!
Any ideas for this?