Activities of "Mehmet"

You should import as shown below:

import { eThemeLeptonComponents } from '@volo/'
  new AddReplaceableComponent({
    component: MyApplicationLayoutComponent,
    key: eThemeLeptonComponents.ApplicationLayout,

Make sure the @volo/ v2.6.0 is installed. If you still can't import, you can pass key as the 'Theme.ApplicationLayoutComponent'.

Can you call ​/api​/account​/login API via swagger and provide response to us?

Check the app-configuration response after logging in. If isAuthenticated in currentUser object equal to false, you should check the backend configuration. It may related to AuthServer settings in the appsettings.json


There is no fast way to add checkboxes to abp-table. You can add checkboxes manually.

 <ng-template #tableHeader>
       <th><input type="checkbox" /></th> <!-- You can add checkbox with your own logic to head-->
<ng-template #tableBody let-data let-index="rowIndex">
      <td><input type="checkbox" /></td> <!-- You can add checkbox with your own logic to row-->

If yo're using the primeng, you should see the table selection documentation.

Hi @drpdev2

It should be rowIndex as shown below:

<ng-template #tableBody let-data let-index="rowIndex">
{{ index }}

Menu and user profile sections are in the ApplicationLayoutComponent. We will split these sections into components.


See the component replacement document. The layout replacement has been documented.

You can import eThemeLeptonComponents enum from @abp/ng.theme.lepton as shown below:

import { ..., AddReplaceableComponent } from '@abp/ng.core'; // imported AddReplaceableComponent
import { eThemeLeptonComponents } from '@abp/ng.theme.lepton'; // imported eThemeLeptonComponents enum for component keys
import { Store } from '@ngxs/store'; // imported Store
export class AppComponent {
  constructor(..., private store: Store) {} // injected Store

  ngOnInit() {
    // added below content
      new AddReplaceableComponent({
        component: YourApplicationComponent,
        key: eThemeBasicComponents.ApplicationLayout,


Hi vishalnikam,

  1. You can see the abp-table usage in BookStore tutorial.

abp-table accepts the [rows] input for pagination. If you can pass a rows value, the pagination will be appear.

For sorting:

  • Add two variables named sortKey and sortOrder to your component
  • Add [abpTableSort] input to abp-table tag like below:
<abp-table [abpTableSort]="{ key: sortKey, order: sortOrder }" ...>
  • Update the th element like below:
<th (click)="sortOrderIcon.sort('name')">

I created a gist to learn how to implement the sorting:

  1. Lepton theme uses two logos for each style. You can change these logos with your own logos without changing the filenames in the angular/src/assets/images/logo folder. Login page uses theme{x}-reverse.png

  2. We will add documentation for menu customization soon. I'll add the documentation link to here.

For now, wrappers should be defined by just one module. We'll change the wrapper structure. Each module will be defined own wrapper category without duplication.

The path property accepts one level route like below:

    name: 'Inventory',
    path: '',
    order: 1,
    wrapper: true,
    name: 'Stock Types',
    path: 'inventory',
    order: 2,
    parentName: 'Inventory',
    layout: eLayoutType.application,
    children: [{ name: 'Stock Types', path: 'stock-types' }],

But it seems a bug. We will be fixed.

The proper way is to add routes by using the addAbpRoutes function. You use the addAbpRoutes function after the bug is resolved.

By the way, adding routes by using the dispatchAddRoute method, not a bad solution.

Thanks for reporting.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 14, 2025, 14:54