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Docker Deployment using Docker Compose

This document assumes that you prefer to use Angular as the UI framework and MongoDB as the database provider. For other options, please change the preference at the top of this document.

This guide will guide you through how to build docker images for your application and run on localhost using docker compose. You will learn the provided build scripts and docker compose files in detail and how to modify them for the production environment.

Building Docker Images

Each application contains a dockerfile called Dockerfile.local for building the docker image. As the naming implies, these Dockerfiles are not multi-stage Dockerfiles and require the project to be built in Release mode to create the image. Currently, if you are building your images using CI & CD pipeline, you either need to include the SDK to your pipeline before building the images or add your own multi-stage dockerfiles.

Since they are not multi-staged Dockerfiles, if you want to build the images individually, you can navigate to the related to-be-hosted application folder and run the following command:

dotnet publish -c Release

To populate the Release folder first, which will be used to build the docker images. Afterward, you can run the following command:

docker build -f Dockerfile.local -t mycompanyname/myappname:version .

To manually build your application image.

To ease the process, application templates provide a build script to build all the images with a single script under etc/build folder named build-images-locally.ps1. Based on your application name, UI and type, a build image script will be generated.

param ($version='latest')

$currentFolder = $PSScriptRoot
$slnFolder = Join-Path $currentFolder "../../"

Write-Host "********* BUILDING DbMigrator *********" -ForegroundColor Green
$dbMigratorFolder = Join-Path $slnFolder "src/Acme.BookStore.DbMigrator"
Set-Location $dbMigratorFolder
dotnet publish -c Release
docker build -f Dockerfile.local -t acme/bookstore-db-migrator:$version .

Write-Host "********* BUILDING Angular Application *********" -ForegroundColor Green
$angularAppFolder = Join-Path $slnFolder "../angular"
Set-Location $angularAppFolder
npm run build:prod
docker build -f Dockerfile.local -t acme/bookstore-angular:$version .

Write-Host "********* BUILDING Api.Host Application *********" -ForegroundColor Green
$hostFolder = Join-Path $slnFolder "src/Acme.BookStore.HttpApi.Host"
Set-Location $hostFolder
dotnet publish -c Release
docker build -f Dockerfile.local -t acme/bookstore-api:$version .


Write-Host "COMPLETED" -ForegroundColor Green
Set-Location $currentFolder

The image tag is set to latest by default. You can update the param $version at the first line to set it as a tag for your images.

You can examine all the provided Dockerfiles required to publish your application below;


DbMigrator is a console application that is used to migrate the database of your application and seed the initial important data to run your application. Such as pre-defined languages, admin user and role, OpenIddict applications and scopes.

Dockerfile.local is provided under this project as below;

COPY bin/Release/net7.0/publish/ app/
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "BookStore.DbMigrator.dll"]

If you don't want to use the build-images-locally.ps1 to build the images or to build this image individually and manually, navigate to DbMigrator folder and run:

dotnet publish -c Release #Builds the projects in Release mode
docker build -f Dockerfile.local -t acme/bookstore-db-migrator:latest . #Builds the image with "latest" tag


The angular application uses nginx:alpine-slim base image to host the angular application. You can modify the base image based on your preference in the Dockerfile.local, which is provided under the angular folder of your solution as below;

FROM nginx:alpine-slim
COPY dist/BookStore /usr/share/nginx/html
COPY dynamic-env.json /usr/share/nginx/html
COPY /nginx.conf  /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf

You can notice that two more files are copied into the application image beside the built Angular application.

The dynamic-env.json file is an empty JSON file representing the angular application's environment variables. The environment variable on image runtime will override this file. If you examine the file under the angular/src/environments folder, there is a remote environment configuration for production:

remoteEnv: {
    url: '/getEnvConfig',
    mergeStrategy: 'deepmerge'

This configuration is used to get the environment variables from a remote service. This configuration is used to override environment variables without rebuilding the image. The URL /getEnvConfig is defined in the nginx.conf file:

server {
    listen       80;
    listen  [::]:80;
    server_name  _;
    #listen              443 ssl;
	location / {
        root   /usr/share/nginx/html;        
        index  index.html index.htm;
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html =404;		
	location /getEnvConfig {
		default_type 'application/json';
        add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*' always;
        add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS' always;
        add_header 'Content-Type' 'application/json';
		try_files $uri /dynamic-env.json;
    error_page   500 502 503 504  /50x.html;
    location = /50x.html {
        root   /usr/share/nginx/html;

This configuration allows returning the dynamic-env.json file as a static file, which ABP Angular application uses for environment variables in one of the first initial requests when rendering the page. The dynamic-env.json file you need to override is located under aspnet-core/etc/docker folder.

  "production": true,
  "application": {
    "baseUrl":"http://localhost:4200",		//
    "name": "BookStore",
    "logoUrl": ""
  "oAuthConfig": {
    "issuer": "https://localhost:44354/", 	//
    "redirectUri": "http://localhost:4200", //
    "clientId": "BookStore_App",
    "responseType": "code",
    "scope": "offline_access openid profile email phone BookStore"
  "apis": {
    "default": {
      "url": "https://localhost:44354",		//
      "rootNamespace": "BookStore"
    "AbpAccountPublic": {
      "url": "https://localhost:44354",		//
      "rootNamespace": "AbpAccountPublic"

If you don't want to use the build-images-locally.ps1 to build the images or to build this image individually and manually, navigate to the angular folder and run:

yarn 				#Restores the project
npm run build:prod	#Builds on production environment. You can also use "ng build  --prod" if you have the angular CLI
docker build -f Dockerfile.local -t acme/bookstore-angular:latest . #Builds the image with "latest" tag


This is the backend application that contains the openid-provider functionality as well. The dockerfile.local is located under the Http.Api.Host project as below;

FROM AS base
COPY bin/Release/net7.0/publish/ app/

FROM AS build
RUN dotnet dev-certs https -v -ep authserver.pfx -p 2D7AA457-5D33-48D6-936F-C48E5EF468ED

FROM base AS final
COPY --from=build /src .

ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "Acme.BookStore.HttpApi.Host.dll"]

You can come across an error when the image is being built. This occurs because of dotnet dev-certs command trying to list the existing certificates inside the container and unavailable to. This error is not important since we aim to generate the authserver.pfx file and discard the container it is built in.


Since it contains the OpenID-provider within, it also uses multi-stages to generate authserver.pfx file, which is used by OpenIddict as a signing and encryption certificate. This configuration is found under the PreConfigureServices method of the HttpApiHostModule:

if (!hostingEnvironment.IsDevelopment())
    PreConfigure<AbpOpenIddictAspNetCoreOptions>(options =>
        options.AddDevelopmentEncryptionAndSigningCertificate = false;

    PreConfigure<OpenIddictServerBuilder>(builder =>
        builder.AddSigningCertificate(GetSigningCertificate(hostingEnvironment, configuration));
        builder.AddEncryptionCertificate(GetSigningCertificate(hostingEnvironment, configuration));
        builder.SetIssuer(new Uri(configuration["AuthServer:Authority"]));

This configuration disables the DevelopmentEncryptionAndSigningCertificate and uses a self-signed certificate called authserver.pfx. for signing and encrypting the tokens. This certificate is created when the docker image is built using the dotnet dev-certs tooling. It is a sample-generated certificate, and it is recommended to update it for the production environment. You can check the OpenIddict Encryption and signing credentials documentation for different options and customization.

The GetSigningCertificate method is a private method located under the same HttpApiHostModule:

private X509Certificate2 GetSigningCertificate(IWebHostEnvironment hostingEnv, IConfiguration configuration)
    var fileName = "authserver.pfx";
    var passPhrase = "2D7AA457-5D33-48D6-936F-C48E5EF468ED";
    var file = Path.Combine(hostingEnv.ContentRootPath, fileName);

    if (!File.Exists(file))
        throw new FileNotFoundException($"Signing Certificate couldn't found: {file}");

    return new X509Certificate2(file, passPhrase);

You can always create any self-signed certificate using any other tooling outside of the dockerfile. You need to keep in mind to set them as embedded resource since the GetSigningCertificate method will be checking this file physically.

If you don't want to use the build-images-locally.ps1 to build the images or to build this image individually and manually, navigate to Http.Api.Host folder and run:

dotnet publish -c Release #Builds the projects in Release mode
docker build -f Dockerfile.local -t acme/bookstore-api:latest . #Builds the image with "latest" tag

Running Docker-Compose on Localhost

Under the etc/docker folder, you can find the docker-compose.yml to run your application. To ease the running process, the template provides run-docker.ps1 (and scripts that handle the HTTPS certificate creation, which is used in environment variables;

$currentFolder = $PSScriptRoot

$slnFolder = Join-Path $currentFolder "../"
$certsFolder = Join-Path $currentFolder "certs"

If(!(Test-Path -Path $certsFolder))
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $certsFolder
    if(!(Test-Path -Path (Join-Path $certsFolder "localhost.pfx") -PathType Leaf)){
        Set-Location $certsFolder
        dotnet dev-certs https -v -ep localhost.pfx -p 91f91912-5ab0-49df-8166-23377efaf3cc -t        

Set-Location $currentFolder
docker-compose up -d

run-docker.ps1 (or script will check if there is an existing dev-cert already under the etc/certs folder and generate a localhost.pfx file if it doesn't exist. Kestrel will use this file as an HTTPS certificate.

You can also manually create the localhost.pfx file in a different path with different name and a different password by using dotnet dev-certs https -v -ep myCert.pfx -p YOUR_PASSWORD_FOR_HTTPS_CERT -t or with using any other self-signed certificate generation tool.

You need to update the service environment variables Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Path with the path and filename you have created and the Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Password with your new password in the docker-compose.yml file.

Now lets break down each docker compose service under the docker-compose.yml file:


    image: acme/bookstore-angular:latest
    container_name: bookstore-angular
      context: ../../../
      dockerfile: angular/Dockerfile.local
      - "4200:80"
      - bookstore-api
      - ./dynamic-env.json://usr/share/nginx/html/dynamic-env.json
      - abp-network

This is the angular application we deploy on http://localhost:4200 by default using the image that we have built using the build-images-locally.ps1 script. It is not running on HTTPS using the localhost.pfx since it is running on Nginx and it doesn't accept pfx files for SSL. You can check Nginx Configuring HTTPS Servers documentation for more information and apply the necessary configurations to nginx.conf file under the angular folder.

Don't forget to rebuild the acme/bookstore-angular:latest image after updating the nginx.conf file.

The bookstore-angular service mounts the etc/docker/dynamic-env.json file to change the existing dynamic-env.json file, which is copied during image creation, to change the environment variables on deployment time instead of re-creating the docker image after each environmental variable change. Do not forget to override the dynamic-env.json located under the aspnet-core/etc/docker folder.

If you are not using Docker with WSL, you may have problems with the volume mount permissions. You need to grant docker to be able to use the local file system. See this SO answer for more information.

  "production": true,
  "application": {
    "baseUrl":"http://localhost:4200",		//
    "name": "BookStore",
    "logoUrl": ""
  "oAuthConfig": {
    "issuer": "https://localhost:44354/", 	//
    "redirectUri": "http://localhost:4200", //
    "clientId": "BookStore_App",
    "responseType": "code",
    "scope": "offline_access openid profile email phone BookStore"
  "apis": {
    "default": {
      "url": "https://localhost:44354",		//
      "rootNamespace": "BookStore"
    "AbpAccountPublic": {
      "url": "https://localhost:44354",		//
      "rootNamespace": "AbpAccountPublic"


    image: acme/bookstore-api:latest
    container_name: bookstore-api
    hostname: bookstore-api
      context: ../../
      dockerfile: src/Acme.BookStore.HttpApi.Host/Dockerfile.local
      - ASPNETCORE_URLS=https://+:443;http://+:80;
      - Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Path=/root/certificate/localhost.pfx
      - Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Password=91f91912-5ab0-49df-8166-23377efaf3cc
      - App__SelfUrl=https://localhost:44354
	  - App__AngularUrl=http://localhost:4200
	  - App__CorsOrigins=http://localhost:4200
      - App__HealthCheckUrl=http://bookstore-api/health-status    
	  - App__RedirectAllowedUrls=http://localhost:4200
	  - AuthServer__Authority=https://localhost:44354
      - AuthServer__RequireHttpsMetadata=true      
      - ConnectionStrings__Default=mongodb://mongodb/BookStore   
      - Redis__Configuration=redis
      - "44354:443"
        condition: service_healthy 
        condition: service_healthy
    restart: on-failure    
      - ./certs:/root/certificate
      - abp-network

This service is the backend application of the angular application that uses the acme/bookstore-api:latest image we have built using the build-images-locally.ps1 script. It runs on https://localhost:44354 by default by mounting the self-signed certificate we've generated under the etc/certs folder.

  • App__SelfUrl points to the localhost with the port we expose https://localhost:44354. It must point to a real DNS when deploying to production.

  • App__AngularUrl is the override configuration of URLs for account-related endpoints. It is http://localhost:4200 by default. It must point to a real DNS when deploying to production.

    • App__RedirectAllowedUrls is the override configuration of redirect URLs for the angular application. It is http://localhost:4200 by default. It must point to a real DNS when deploying to production.
  • App__CorsOrigins is the override configuration for CORS. It is http://localhost:4200 by default. It must point to a real DNS when deploying to production.

  • App__HealthCheckUrl is the override configuration for the health check URL. Since this request will be done internally, it points to the service name in the containerized environment http://bookstore-api/health-status.

  • AuthServer__Authority is the issuer URL. http://bookstore-api is the containerized issuer. It must point to a real DNS when deploying to production.

  • AuthServer__RequireHttpsMetadata is the option for the openid-provider to enforce HTTPS. Since the backend itself is the openid-provider, we set it true by default.

  • ConnectionStrings__Default is the overridden default connection string. It uses the containerized mongodb service by default.

  • Redis__Configuration is the overridden Redis configuration. It uses the containerized redis service. If you are not using containerized Redis, update your Redis URL.

This service runs in a docker network called abp-network, and awaits the Redis service and the database container for starting up and restarts when it fails. You can customize these orchestration behaviors as you prefer.


    image: acme/bookstore-db-migrator:latest
    container_name: db-migrator
      context: ../../
      dockerfile: src/BookStore.DbMigrator/Dockerfile.local
      - OpenIddict__Applications__BookStore_App__RootUrl=http://localhost:4200                  
      - ConnectionStrings__Default=mongodb://mongodb/BookStore       
        condition: service_healthy        
      - abp-network

This is the database migrator service that migrates the database and seeds the initial data. OpenIddict data is one of the most important seeded data for your application to run. On production environment, you need to override the root URL of your application (http://localhost:4200) and the swagger-ui client URL (https://localhost:44354) so that the authentication can work properly.

This service runs in Docker network called abp-network, awaits for the database container to start up and restarts when it fails. You can customize these orchestration behaviors as you prefer.

What's next?


Last updated: October 23, 2024 Edit this page on GitHub

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Tara Sargent

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