Hello David. I will send you a sample project that DevExpress has been fully implemented.
If you don't want to update your project to v4.3.0, you can run the following Cli commands:
dotnet tool uninstall Volo.Abp.Cli -g
dotnet tool install Volo.Abp.Cli -g --version 4.3.0-rc.2
abp add-module Volo.LeptonTheme --with-source-code --add-to-solution-file
(Run in the folder of the .Sln file of your project)dotnet tool uninstall Volo.Abp.Cli -g
dotnet tool install Volo.Abp.Cli -g
This commands will install ABP CLI with the latest preview version, add LeptonTheme correctly and them switch ABP CLI version back to 4.2.2
Thanks @yekalkan. I will use this.
1.I created a new project ( MVC - EF - 4.2.2)
2. Add Lepton Theme module with source code.
- And :
any comment ?
New packages have been added to Lepton, some of them have been renamed. we made it backwards compatible, but since we cannot change the 4.2.2 version of the CLI. You should do it with 4.3.0 RC version. Or you can completely update your project to the latest preview (if that's not a problem for you)
ok, Alper. I'm looking forward to 4.3 Release already.
Hi there. Abp Suite is good tool. but i think, it needs further development.
Hi liangshiwei,
problem is language. app correctly in english. but dosen't work 'Turkish'.
Why doesn't it work for Turkish?
Step1: i created 'Bank' entity with abp suite. 'Balance' field is decimal. Step2: Run the app. Click the Banks from menu. Click the 'New Bank'. Step3 : Enter the Balance = 14.45 and Click the save button. Step4: Redirect index page. This record show: 1445.... not 14.45 PS. 1445,00 show in the DB tables.