Activities of "mikeolofernes"


Our API.Host is on Azure not on local. I dont know how to get it from there. Have you reproduced the issue? If not, may I know how to delete an Entity/Table from ABP Suite instead? I will just start from scratch. I noticed when deleting Entity on ABP is not fully deleted. Error will occur if I reused the Entity name.



What's the error logs of API.Host?

I didnt checked the API.Host logs. You can reproduce it by

  1. create an entity
  2. add properties
  3. add navigation field
  4. save and generate then close the abp suite
  5. open abp again then update the entity you created
  6. remove the navigation then add another navigation but use other look up tables. save and generate.
  7. load the app then load the entity you created. try to add new entry


  1. create an entity
  2. add properties
  3. save and generate then close the abp suite
  4. open abp again then update the entity you created
  5. add navigation, use other look up tables. save and generate.
  6. load the app then load the entity you created. try to add new entry

I also tried to delete the whole table/entity but its not fully deleted. tried to start from scratch. How to fully delete a table in abp suite?

Thanks, Mike

Password sent. You did not respond.

Do I need to share also the password?

I put the code in the backend of Blazor razor page then just created a button on the frontend to trigger the code.

using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Volo.Abp.Emailing; using Volo.Abp.Emailing.Templates; using Volo.Abp.TextTemplating;

namespace FireBird.Blazor.Pages;

public partial class Index { private readonly IEmailSender _emailSender; private readonly ITemplateRenderer _templateRenderer;

public Index(
IEmailSender emailSender,
ITemplateRenderer templateRenderer)
    _emailSender = emailSender;
    _templateRenderer = templateRenderer;

public async Task email()
        var body = await _templateRenderer.RenderAsync(
            message = "This is email body ABP test..."

        await _emailSender.SendAsync("",
            "ABP Email subject test",
            "This is email body ABP test..."
    catch (Exception ex)
        var x = ex.Message;


I am confused. Why are you asking me to create a new template? We used command lines to create the solution. something like abp new Acme.IssueManagement -t module-pro

What are full steps to reproduce in a new template?

Are you talking about the email template?


Can you reproduce it in a new template project?

Create a new project from scratch? I havent tried that but this project of ours is still new, no development made on the backend, only on the frontend side.

I am thinking, the values are not initiating properly? Do I need to load/initiate it manually? Do note that send test email is working, I just created a test function to send an email but the values like SMTP host is not loading.

Thanks, Mike

but the first issue is that the values I saved is not loading.

I don't get it. Can you explain more?

I also tried the Send test email and its also not working.

Please remove the NullEmailSender.

#if DEBUG 
        context.Services.Replace(ServiceDescriptor.Singleton<IEmailSender, NullEmailSender>()); 

As you can see in this screenshot, SMTP Host is still null. Already removed the NullEmailSender. The test send email works now but if i use this code, the SMTP Host and other values are still null. Thanks, Mike

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 14, 2025, 14:54