I have reproduced the problem. Abp module needs to add ~
for all static resource reference paths. but this way of referencing resources is currently not supported.
Please following https://github.com/abpframework/abp/issues/3352.
Actually I don’t recommend you to use sub-application deployment :)
So , How should I reproduce your problem, can you provide steps?
I mean using the AddSubEvent method of the Alert entity.
private async Task<bool> AddToSubEventsAsync(Alert alert, IEnumerable<string>subEvents)
Check.NotNull(alert, nameof(alert));
Check.NotNull(subEvents, nameof(subEvents));
var EventTypesMasterList = await _alertEventTypeRepository.GetListAsync();
foreach (var subEvent in subEvents)
var eventId = EventTypesMasterList.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Name == subEvent);
alert.AddSubEvent(eventId); // This line
return true;
Try :
public class OrderDtoValidator:AbstractValidator<SupplierCombinedDto>
public OrderDtoValidator(IStringLocalizer<MyProjectResource> _localizer)
RuleFor(x => x.Customer).SetValidator(new CustomerDtoValidator(_localizer));
RuleFor(x => x.Address).SetValidator(new AddressDtoValidator(_localizer));
Currently community is discussing how to configure foreign keys, Please following: https://github.com/abpframework/abp/issues/3959,
Is this problem only on azure vm? Do you have this problem when deploying to a local IIS server?
Try use AddSubEvent
method to replace the following
await _alertSubEventTypeRepository.InsertAsync(new AlertSubEventType(alert.Id, eventId.Id));
What UI are you using?