Hi @lalitChougule,
Please see the component replacement document. If you have any questions after reading the doc, please ask in detail.
Hi @Mehmet ,
I just want to change the css of the buttons and few colors here and there, for that too I need to replace whole component ?
Hi @liangshiwei
AbpClaimTypes Config and Mapping was missing from InvoiceModule. After comparing it with ProfileModule I found this issue.
Its working fine now. Finally closing this issue :)
Thanks !!!
Sorry to reopen this issue, In my InvoiceManagement module, I am getting all the permission true in my PermissionGrantRepository output, But still I am getting Authorization error.
I have already done all the check's which I could possibly do.
- My all db's are connected to same env i.e. dev
- MultiTenancy is enabled
- Redis is working fine
One thing I noticed though i.e.In InvoiceManagement module I have made a class MyPermissionStore : PermissionStore
, Even if I have the breakpoint here my debugger never stop's here.
And In log.txt I am not able to find any cache log where my pn:R,pk:Supplier,n:InvoiceManagement.xxx
For Role supplier, I can find data in Redis.Studio but not able to find in log's
Sorry to reopen this issue, In my InvoiceManagement module, I am getting all the permission true in my PermissionGrantRepository output, But still I am getting Authorization error.
I have already done all the check's which I could possibly do.
I remember you don't want to user redis, however, we can make a meeting tomorrow
As I said before, We want to close this issue in the given timeline so we have to implement whatever solution available. Thanks for the meeting though. I will drop you a mail tomorrow.
Thanks again.
Hi @liangshiwei,
Redis is endabled now and I am able to see the data in Redis Studio as well.
But still in log.txt I am getting below mentioned logs :
[DBG] Not found in the cache: pn:C,pk:Litmus_App,n:ProfileManagement.Supplier
Still getting same error's on UI :
An error has occurred! Authorization failed! Given policy has not granted.
Can you provide the links which you shared during the session here ?
We can connect, so I can give your brief understanding on my project and If needed I will provide you the steps how we build our project. Please let me know how can we connect.
HI @liangshiwei,
Sorry but replicating the architecture will be time taking and we need to resolve it in a give timeline, Can we just connect and may be you can have a look of the project structure and code ? It will be really helpfull
Hi @alpher,
I tried implementing your solution but now I am facing the below issue :
SQLite Error 1: 'no such table: AbpUsers'.