in Contact us form following error occurred there is any settings for this??
The following errors were detected during validation. - The RecaptchaToken field is required.
but field is not visible in form.
I want to add web.public project in existing project then what should i do?
If i add module as plugin in project then how can i do migration of that module? I Reference:
If i want to show other razor page as default page instead of index.cshtml then what should i do?
but in 5.2 i upgrdae them its show error ->Error: IRepository<TempLayer, Guid>' does not contain a definition for 'Include' and no accessible extension method 'Include' accepting a first argument of type 'IRepository<TempLayer, Guid>' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
how Can I create abp-modal with draggable? there is any option??
code: <abp-modal centered="true" scrollable="true" size="Large" static="true" id="mySGLQueryBuilder"> <abp-modal-header title="Advance Query"></abp-modal-header> <abp-modal-body> </abp-modal-body> </abp-modal>
I have bigger entity due to dynamic form is too long can i divide in to tab(pills) form??
like this. (this is custom form and ui)
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this is dynamic form i want to change in UI for Checkboxes i want two checkboxes in one line there is any option?? Like this.
i am using (IAuthorizationService instance) _authorizationService.IsGrantedAsync("Permission Name") in public project but when i am change the permission is not affected in Web.public Project.but when i restart project is affected.but i dont want to restart whole project.