Hi, SupportTeam!
First of all, I hope you will all recover from the devastating loss and pain brought on by the earthquake. I also hope you and your loved ones are OK. I am so very sorry.
I have a project inside an ABP Framework solution which is an API client to access an external API. From the get go, any test did with Postman is working correctly.
Module file:
Extension file:
The rest are related to the API itself - models, client, etc.
The services are properly initialized. I can inject them with no problem in any page on the frontend.
But I always get the same error:
The server doesn't have CORS policies, and any test with something different than ABP works.
What am I doing wrong? Any tips would be appreciated.
Thanks, Catalin
did that, no success. :( as I mentioned, on local dev, all OK.
deployed to Azure, it doesn't. page needs to be refreshed after user logs in in order for the menu to render.
in the blazor frontend I needed to to some modifications to these:
I don't know if these modifications (minor things) are causing this behavior when deploying to Azure.
can I share the project with you?
in the original thread I've provided some test credentials to see the behavior on-line.
This is a follow-up of bug #4363. The issues should have been solved with the 2.0 LeptonX patch, but, unfortunately, it isn't.
Can you please advise further?
Tks a lot!
Hi, Support Team!
Any news about the 2.0 LeptonX release?
Thanks so much, maliming!
You the best!
God damn!
It worked! It should have returned a more normal error message. Is this from the upgrade? Or?
sent the solution's archive.
tks alot.
Found the problem. All the enum values in json related files from the .suite/entities folder in the solution's root were put to null.
Replace the null values with incremental integers for each enum value and it abp suite started working again.
It worked until 7.0.1, so something must have happened while upgrading.
I think is still needs to be checked why this happened.
it doesn't work. the thing is I literally did nothing than just upgrade packages to 7.01. it worked in all previous versions.
same code.