After trying things out and searching the internet for answers I found out that Blazor WASM 5.0 does only support ~<2GB upload it seems. I asked this question here that will hopefully move me in the right direction.
But if all fails I will try out this Syncfusion large-file-chunk-upload. Isn't that something you should offer in the framework, large file upload?
How does the File Management Module deal with such large files?
Thank you for your answer Maliming, I haven't tried this with huge files yet (will today) but I was wondering what approach you would recommend taking to upload to blob from the service. Stop in a temp file or directly from stream?
public async Task<string> UploadBigFileAsync(IRemoteStreamContent streamContent)
var filePath = Path.GetTempFileName();
// use local temp file
using (var fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create))
await streamContent.GetStream().CopyToAsync(fs);
await fs.FlushAsync();
var blobName = $"Uploaded-{streamContent.FileName}";
// then read it to blob
var bytes = await File.ReadAllBytesAsync(filePath);
await blobContainer.SaveAsync(blobName, bytes, overrideExisting: true);
return blobName;
//delete file finaly()
Or just stream it directly
public async Task<string> UploadBigFileAsync(IRemoteStreamContent streamContent)
var blobName = $"Uploaded-{streamContent.FileName}";
await blobContainer.SaveAsync(blobName, streamContent.GetStream(), overrideExisting: true);
return blobName;
I updated the code in my github question to have both a none-working abp version and a working classic Blazor/api that works.
Hopefully this is just some configuration problem but I haven't found it.
Suite can't be used because it doesn't find xPermissions.cs or xPermissionDefinitionProvider.cs if they have been (like I had to do) moved to another project/place.
So at the moment I just can't use Suite at all to add properties/entities and I have to do it manually.
Bingo! That seems to have solved the problem! Thanks for your patiance with me ;-)
Here it is but the "create a tenant UI" is missing (not sure how the open source version works) so I couldn´t try that out.
I added some information to the Readme file but I hope this is all self explanatory what I´m trying to do.
Yes that is what I gathered
If I change the tenant to nul l I get the roles
public async virtual Task HandleEventAsync(EntityCreatedEto<UserEto> eventData)
using (currentTenant.Change(null))
var roleNotFound = await identityRoleRepository
BUT then I can´t add the role becuse the created user is not found
// this then throws
var userJustCreated = await identityUserManager.GetByIdAsync(eventData.Entity.Id/TenantId);
// this
'There is no such an entity. Entity type: Volo.Abp.Identity.IdentityUser, id: 7f7acfe7-4abe-2a43-f31f-39fe74a2a237'
What secret sauce/steps do I need?
One small help before I close this issue, because I really want to use role with permissions.
So why can't the role not be found when using the IDistributedEventHandler but is when seeding data?
public async virtual Task HandleEventAsync(EntityCreatedEto<UserEto> eventData)
using (currentTenant.Change(eventData.Entity.TenantId))
//This never returns the roles created when I seed. I have tried to skip the using etc.
var role = await identityRoleRepository
if (role is null)
var newRole = new IdentityRole(guidGenerator.Create(),
RoleConstants.TenantClientRole) { IsPublic = true, IsStatic = true };
await identityRoleRepository.InsertAsync(newRole, true);
//this will just return null
var roleNotFound = await identityRoleRepository
//and then I can't AddToRoleAsync because the role is not found!
var userJustCreated = await identityUserManager.GetByIdAsync(eventData.Entity.Id);
//this throws "Role TENANTCLIENTROLE not found"
await identityUserManager.AddToRoleAsync(userJustCreated, RoleConstants.TenantClientRole);
And if I change to "null" tenant with using (currentTenant.Change(null))
I get the roles but var userJustCreated = await identityUserManager.GetByIdAsync(eventData.Entity.Id);
throws "There is no such an entity".
For completeness sake I´m able to run and seed the role with the DbMigrator with basically the same code
public async Task SeedAsync(DataSeedContext context)
var role = await identityRoleRepository
if (role is not null)
// Create the role and insert it
var newRole = new IdentityRole(guidGenerator.Create(),
RoleConstants.TenantClientRole) { IsPublic = true, IsStatic = true };
await identityRoleRepository.InsertAsync(newRole,true);
//returns the role
var roleFound = await identityRoleRepository
Hopefully I can just close this off after this question. Thanks so much for your asstance!