Ok I think I am somewhere near the answer with .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) but for some reason calling await ChannelAppService.DeleteAsync(id); just marks the Channel entity as deleted (IsDeleted == true) but General doesn't get deleted..
builder.Entity<Channel>(b =>
//Define the relation
b.HasOne(x => x.General)
.WithOne(x => x.Channel)
builder.Entity<General>(b =>
I'm just calling this from a Blazor page
await ChannelAppService.DeleteAsync(id);
I know this is likely just EF stuff but since I have wasted 1 question I might as well get the help after all :-)
Yes I'm still in my test phase. I'm aiming on using version 4.3 so hopefully it will be ready when I´m :-)
Thank you so much for this great answer! It has really helped me to scope the work that lies ahead and the tech I should choose. I will explore the path you suggest and do some MVP stuff next couple of days.
After that, I'll mark this question answered and let you know what I decided to do.