Hi @MichelZ
Yes, the release of 4.4.1 is still in progress, could you try again when the release is completed. We hope to complete it today.
The problem is not updating to 4.4.1, the problem is that all of my workflow starts to fail with the current version. All nuget restores for 4.4.0 started failing yesterday with the conflict message. This is very disruptive as I'm using docker to build this like every couple of minutes, and docker doesn't cache the packages, so I can't really build anymore.
I am currently getting "Response status code does not indicate success: 409 (Conflict)" when trying to do dotnet restore. It happens from time to time, and my best guess is that it has something to do with when a new release is put up there. As far as I can see 4.4.1 is in the process of being released currently.
I do have the same issue actually, but did not get around investigating it yet, as I'm waiting for something else to be fixed first.
Is the samesite thing also required in the IdentityServer project?
Yes, It should be add in the project that using the IdentityServer.
Thanks, that was it!
When can we expect the next patch release?
I am having the same issue. The samesite thing from the article did not work for me. Is the samesite thing also required in the IdentityServer project?
The reason to want http is for development in Docker, it makes it easier not having to worry about certs
Would you also please consider adding one with Angular and Identity Server separated?
I will try to add that.
Thank you!
I have found what I was doing wrong using that sample application. I was missing this in my Configure on the Identity Server which sets the issuer URL to a static URL instead of using the Tenant-specific URL:
Configure<IdentityServerOptions>(options => { options.IssuerUri = configuration["App:SelfUrl"]; });
I'm not sure if I saw this documented somewhere, or if I just missed it, maybe it can be pointed out and clarified in the documentation. Thanks again & Cheers Michel
Thanks! That looks interesting, I will try it out ASAP. Would you also please consider adding one with Angular and Identity Server separated?
I am trying out rc-1, as I'm interested in the Impersonation feature. How do I impersonate a user? I haven't found anything.
Angular, separate Identity Server
Hi Mehmet
This doesn't look like a public repo/issue?