Basic commercial license less expensive with only Pro module license without ABP SUITE.
ALL Pro modules for Blazor Server / WASM
Built-in abp upgrade system, maybe using partial class or virtual methods for customer's customizations.
No more file compare with windiff or git compare
GUID properties type
SQL Server has `uniqueidentifier' - or did you mean something else?
Sorry, in ABP Suite there isn't GUID type in "Define property" mask
GUID properties type
Hi, with ABP Suite 5.1.3 "Update all package" update solution to 5.1.2 CLI abp suite instead update solution to 5.1.3
ABP Suite 5.1.2 After upgrading trying to access audit logs getting the following error.
[ERR] Invalid column name 'ImpersonatorTenantName'. Invalid column name 'ImpersonatorUserName'. Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Invalid column name 'ImpersonatorTenantName'. Invalid column name 'ImpersonatorUserName'. at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.<>c.<ExecuteDbDataReaderAsync>b__188_0(Task`1 result)
You have to use add-migration and then run dbmigrator
You can try to customize template to generate partial class and put your methods in another file of partial class
5.0.0-rc2 highlight of menu item with NavigationManager.NavigateTo()
Those highlights menu item: /page /page?id=12345 /page?12345
This doesn't work: /page/12345