Thanks for this information Alper. This can be closed.
Hello Alper,
Sorry to come back with this but we still couldn't create a new tenant and use them because the user is not created. There are several of us in this situation since switching to 4.3 and this is a major problem for us because we can no longer have a new customer ...
I tested that on a new 4.3 project the problem does not appear, yet we did the migration well (via file comparison) but impossible to have a user on the creation of a new tenant.
The situation is becoming critical for us. Thank you in advance for your precious help.
I think i'm the 4 person to report this :
With UI MVC EF Core and no tiered when we create a new tenant the user is not deployed (We cannot login in tenant and use it) We can't on boarding new customer in production :(
It's is ok with a new project. I have followed the migration steps for our project. (with compare method) but the problem is still there.
Thanks for your help.
erreur log is to long to post... timeout in : at Volo.Saas.Tenants.TenantStore.FindAsync(Guid id) at Jureez.Data.JureezTenantDatabaseMigrationHandler.MigrateAndSeedForTenantAsync(Guid tenantId, String adminEmail, String adminPassword) in C:\Personnel\Developpement\Jureez\aspnet-core\src\Jureez.Domain\Data\JureezTenantDatabaseMigrationHandler.cs:line 92
Ok Alper good to know.
Thanks for taking the time to check it out.
Can I ask you for an approximate release date for a 4.4 release candidate?
Hello Alper,
The french translations are ok with a new 4.3 project on your side?
Still the issue here.
Thanks for your help.
Sorry but same problem with a new projet.
The steps:
Hello Alper,
Sorry but still same issue.
I have added the line on domain module (I'm on MVC so no ApiHostModule)
I can see fr lanuage in the "AbpLanguages" table be added by DbMigrator. (Nothing in AbpLanguageTexts, don't know if normal behavior there)
I can select French Language on UI, but still see many English strings (Like the screen on the first post)
We have tried with brand new db. Exact same Issue.
Have you any idea what we do wrong?
Thanks for your help.
hi willignicolas
I can share the French translation of all modules with you, and add it to the next version after you translate it.
Ok, thanks for your answer. Can you send us (on my mail) this translation file please?
We would like to be able to translate into French the many default strings of the different modules that are not yet translated.
We looked in the documentation, it is explained how to translate via the "Language Text" tool but this one does not allow to put a default value and allows to translate only for a tenant.
We would like to be able to translate strings and that these strings be used in the host, existing tenants and new tenants.
What is the procedure for this?
Thank you in advance.
"Program" is not a C # reserved keyword and yet when you want to use an entity with this name as an association on another entity the Program.cs file is not listed. However, the creation of the "Program" entity went very well.
Erratum: It's only related on the filename "Program.cs" If I rename it to "ProgramTest.cs" all is working well.