Activities of "vishalnikam"


Any update?


I can't share project. It is bit urgent, can we connect and do screen share ? if possible, ping me on skype id vis.nikam09

Also, I don't see any background job for DB migration in "AbpBackgroundJobs" table.



I don't see any TenantDatabaseMigrationHandler in source code and background job entry in AbpBackgroundJobs. also, please check attached logs. let me know if we can connect over Skype.

2021-12-30 15:42:04.522 +05:30 [INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 OPTIONS https://localhost:44359/api/saas/tenants/3a0117c6-98fa-f040-47e9-a37ff4a7bb46/apply-database-migrations - - 2021-12-30 15:42:04.522 +05:30 [INF] CORS policy execution successful. 2021-12-30 15:42:04.523 +05:30 [INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 OPTIONS https://localhost:44359/api/saas/tenants/3a0117c6-98fa-f040-47e9-a37ff4a7bb46/apply-database-migrations - - - 204 - - 0.7421ms 2021-12-30 15:42:04.531 +05:30 [INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 POST https://localhost:44359/api/saas/tenants/3a0117c6-98fa-f040-47e9-a37ff4a7bb46/apply-database-migrations - 0 2021-12-30 15:42:04.531 +05:30 [INF] CORS policy execution successful. 2021-12-30 15:42:04.534 +05:30 [INF] Start processing HTTP request POST "https://localhost:44350/connect/introspect" 2021-12-30 15:42:04.534 +05:30 [INF] Sending HTTP request POST "https://localhost:44350/connect/introspect" 2021-12-30 15:42:05.976 +05:30 [INF] Received HTTP response headers after 1441.6968ms - 200 2021-12-30 15:42:05.976 +05:30 [INF] End processing HTTP request after 1442.0202ms - 200 2021-12-30 15:42:05.976 +05:30 [DBG] AuthenticationScheme: introspection was successfully authenticated. 2021-12-30 15:42:05.978 +05:30 [INF] Executing endpoint 'Volo.Saas.Host.TenantController.ApplyDatabaseMigrationsAsync (Volo.Saas.Host.HttpApi)' 2021-12-30 15:42:05.981 +05:30 [INF] Route matched with {controller = "Tenant", area = "saas", action = "ApplyDatabaseMigrations", page = ""}. Executing controller action with signature System.Threading.Tasks.Task ApplyDatabaseMigrationsAsync(System.Guid) on controller Volo.Saas.Host.TenantController (Volo.Saas.Host.HttpApi). 2021-12-30 15:42:05.986 +05:30 [DBG] PermissionStore.GetCacheItemAsync: pn:U,pk:5dc0ff50-a197-c0a3-bcbe-39f5d3e999ac,n:Saas.Tenants.ManageConnectionStrings 2021-12-30 15:42:05.989 +05:30 [DBG] Found in the cache: pn:U,pk:5dc0ff50-a197-c0a3-bcbe-39f5d3e999ac,n:Saas.Tenants.ManageConnectionStrings 2021-12-30 15:42:05.989 +05:30 [DBG] PermissionStore.GetCacheItemAsync: pn:R,pk:admin,n:Saas.Tenants.ManageConnectionStrings 2021-12-30 15:42:06.002 +05:30 [DBG] Found in the cache: pn:R,pk:admin,n:Saas.Tenants.ManageConnectionStrings 2021-12-30 15:42:06.003 +05:30 [DBG] PermissionStore.GetCacheItemAsync: pn:C,pk:Litmus_App,n:Saas.Tenants.ManageConnectionStrings 2021-12-30 15:42:06.005 +05:30 [DBG] Found in the cache: pn:C,pk:Litmus_App,n:Saas.Tenants.ManageConnectionStrings 2021-12-30 15:42:06.005 +05:30 [DBG] PermissionStore.GetCacheItemAsync: pn:U,pk:5dc0ff50-a197-c0a3-bcbe-39f5d3e999ac,n:Saas.Tenants 2021-12-30 15:42:06.007 +05:30 [DBG] Found in the cache: pn:U,pk:5dc0ff50-a197-c0a3-bcbe-39f5d3e999ac,n:Saas.Tenants 2021-12-30 15:42:06.007 +05:30 [DBG] PermissionStore.GetCacheItemAsync: pn:R,pk:admin,n:Saas.Tenants 2021-12-30 15:42:06.009 +05:30 [DBG] Found in the cache: pn:R,pk:admin,n:Saas.Tenants 2021-12-30 15:42:06.009 +05:30 [DBG] PermissionStore.GetCacheItemAsync: pn:C,pk:Litmus_App,n:Saas.Tenants 2021-12-30 15:42:06.011 +05:30 [DBG] Found in the cache: pn:C,pk:Litmus_App,n:Saas.Tenants 2021-12-30 15:42:06.011 +05:30 [INF] Authorization was successful. 2021-12-30 15:42:06.016 +05:30 [INF] Executed action Volo.Saas.Host.TenantController.ApplyDatabaseMigrationsAsync (Volo.Saas.Host.HttpApi) in 34.6076ms 2021-12-30 15:42:06.016 +05:30 [INF] Executed endpoint 'Volo.Saas.Host.TenantController.ApplyDatabaseMigrationsAsync (Volo.Saas.Host.HttpApi)' 2021-12-30 15:42:06.016 +05:30 [INF] Entity Framework Core 5.0.13 initialized 'AbpAuditLoggingDbContext' using provider 'Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL' with options: QuerySplittingBehavior=SplitQuery 2021-12-30 15:42:06.100 +05:30 [INF] Entity Framework Core 5.0.13 initialized 'BackgroundJobsDbContext' using provider 'Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL' with options: QuerySplittingBehavior=SplitQuery 2021-12-30 15:42:06.210 +05:30 [INF] Executed DbCommand (192ms) [Parameters=[@p0='?' (DbType = Guid), @p1='?', @p2='?', @p3='?', @p4='?', @p5='?', @p6='?', @p7='?', @p8='?', @p9='?', @p10='?' (DbType = Int32), @p11='?' (DbType = DateTime), @p12='?', @p13='?', @p14='?' (DbType = Int32), @p15='?' (DbType = Guid), @p16='?' (DbType = Guid), @p17='?' (DbType = Guid), @p18='?', @p19='?', @p20='?' (DbType = Guid), @p21='?'], CommandType='"Text"', CommandTimeout='30'] INSERT INTO "AbpAuditLogs" ("Id", "ApplicationName", "BrowserInfo", "ClientId", "ClientIpAddress", "ClientName", "Comments", "ConcurrencyStamp", "CorrelationId", "Exceptions", "ExecutionDuration", "ExecutionTime", "ExtraProperties", "HttpMethod", "HttpStatusCode", "ImpersonatorTenantId", "ImpersonatorUserId", "TenantId", "TenantName", "Url", "UserId", "UserName") VALUES (@p0, @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4, @p5, @p6, @p7, @p8, @p9, @p10, @p11, @p12, @p13, @p14, @p15, @p16, @p17, @p18, @p19, @p20, @p21); 2021-12-30 15:42:06.291 +05:30 [INF] Executed DbCommand (190ms) [Parameters=[@__now_0='?' (DbType = DateTime), @__p_1='?' (DbType = Int32)], CommandType='"Text"', CommandTimeout='30'] SELECT a."Id", a."ConcurrencyStamp", a."CreationTime", a."ExtraProperties", a."IsAbandoned", a."JobArgs", a."JobName", a."LastTryTime", a."NextTryTime", a."Priority", a."TryCount" FROM "AbpBackgroundJobs" AS a WHERE NOT (a."IsAbandoned") AND (a."NextTryTime" <= @__now_0) ORDER BY a."Priority" DESC, a."TryCount", a."NextTryTime" LIMIT @__p_1 2021-12-30 15:42:06.403 +05:30 [INF] Executed DbCommand (192ms) [Parameters=[@p22='?' (DbType = Guid), @p23='?' (DbType = Guid), @p24='?' (DbType = Int32), @p25='?' (DbType = DateTime), @p26='?', @p27='?', @p28='?', @p29='?', @p30='?' (DbType = Guid), @p31='?' (DbType = Guid), @p32='?' (DbType = Guid), @p33='?' (DbType = Int32), @p34='?' (DbType = DateTime), @p35='?', @p36='?', @p37='?', @p38='?', @p39='?' (DbType = Guid)], CommandType='"Text"', CommandTimeout='30'] INSERT INTO "AbpAuditLogActions" ("Id", "AuditLogId", "ExecutionDuration", "ExecutionTime", "ExtraProperties", "MethodName", "Parameters", "ServiceName", "TenantId") VALUES (@p22, @p23, @p24, @p25, @p26, @p27, @p28, @p29, @p30); INSERT INTO "AbpAuditLogActions" ("Id", "AuditLogId", "ExecutionDuration", "ExecutionTime", "ExtraProperties", "MethodName", "Parameters", "ServiceName", "TenantId") VALUES (@p31, @p32, @p33, @p34, @p35, @p36, @p37, @p38, @p39); 2021-12-30 15:42:06.613 +05:30 [DBG] Added 0 entity changes to the current audit log 2021-12-30 15:42:06.613 +05:30 [DBG] Added 0 entity changes to the current audit log 2021-12-30 15:42:06.614 +05:30 [INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 POST https://localhost:44359/api/saas/tenants/3a0117c6-98fa-f040-47e9-a37ff4a7bb46/apply-database-migrations - 0 - 204 - - 2082.6554ms 2021-12-30 15:42:11.306 +05:30 [INF] Entity Framework Core 5.0.13 initialized 'BackgroundJobsDbContext' using provider 'Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL' with options: QuerySplittingBehavior=SplitQuery 2021-12-30 15:42:11.504 +05:30 [INF] Executed DbCommand (198ms) [Parameters=[@__now_0='?' (DbType = DateTime), @__p_1='?' (DbType = Int32)], CommandType='"Text"', CommandTimeout='30'] SELECT a."Id", a."ConcurrencyStamp", a."CreationTime", a."ExtraProperties", a."IsAbandoned", a."JobArgs", a."JobName", a."LastTryTime", a."NextTryTime", a."Priority", a."TryCount" FROM "AbpBackgroundJobs" AS a WHERE NOT (a."IsAbandoned") AND (a."NextTryTime" <= @__now_0) ORDER BY a."Priority" DESC, a."TryCount", a."NextTryTime" LIMIT @__p_1


Can i use client_credentials grant in Angular ? how to set this in angular and will my application work wth it as is with User/Roles and permissions ? or i have to use password grant type only ?


I generated token with "client_credentials" grant type through postman and called services with token. token validation is working on service side but Auth permissions set in ABP persmission module not working and throws unauthorize expcetion. whereas "Password" grant type token working as expected. could you sugget on this ?

I mean. If i login with ABP admin then i should get all the details of teanant users. wherever link you shared there i have to switch between teanant to get the details?

Hi No, there no change in current tanant as i loging with platform admin or abp admin. then how i can pull all the teanant user details.


there is no issue log in browser either. as said we are running this invoice service in multiple container so one only get the hub notification to the user connetced to the same container and rest users connected to other container not getting notification. this should be solve by Redis backplane but given solution is not working.


There is no issue found in logs related to SignalR but it is not working as expected . 1 ECS container message is not getting to other container.


I tried with given approach but no success. still facing same issue. SingalR pub/sub is working fine with single ECS container but not with multiple.

public override void PreConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
    var hostingEnvironment = context.Services.GetHostingEnvironment();

    var configuration = context.Services.GetConfiguration();

    if (!hostingEnvironment.IsDevelopment())
        var redis = configuration["Redis:Configuration"];

        context.Services.PreConfigure<ISignalRServerBuilder>(builder =>
            builder.AddStackExchangeRedis(redis, options =>
                options.Configuration.ChannelPrefix = "InvoiceManagement";

Showing 1 to 10 of 75 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 14, 2025, 14:54