Activities of "piseth"


1/ dntcaptcha not working on the existing Abp Project

Can you share the error logs?

2/ Unable to find package Volo.Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.Oracle with version (>=5.0.0)

See, we will publish the Nuget Package soon.

I am sorry to reply you late. 1/ By the way relating to DNTCaptcha, it does not show the image number when i upgrade to latest version. Currently i use the version 4.1.0 (which it is working). I will retest with the new version Volo.Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.Oracle and dotnet 6

2/ About the new version Volo.Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.Oracle, do you have any update? 3/ Right now i am facing with this error after running dotnet ef migrations add Created_Table_Entity Failed to initialize CoreCLR, HRESULT: 0x80004005

It is not working smoothly like before. Could you help ? Please note: I am developing on Visual Studion for Macbook and it had been working normally when i run " dotnet ef migrations add Created_Table_Entity"

@liangshiwei: I can fix now the problem with Failed to initialize CoreCLR, HRESULT: 0x80004005 By the way, right now in order to run add migrations and database update, i have to run use the following command:

myname@MacBook-Pro MyProject.EntityFrameworkCore% dotnet ef migrations add Created_Table_Entity --startup-project ../MyProject.Web --project ../MyProject.EntityFrameworkCore.DbMigrations -c MyProjectMigrationsDbContext

myname@MacBook-Pro MyProject.EntityFrameworkCore % dotnet ef database update --startup-project ../MyProject.Web --project ../MyProject.EntityFrameworkCore.DbMigrations -c MyProjectMigrationsDbContext

But it is OK because i can make my project working. However, I'd like to know the availability of the new version of Volo.Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.Oracle working with dotnet 6, so i can update my current ABP to the version 5 with dotnet 6 again; after that I will retest my application with DNTCaptcha and other dependencies.

Thanks Happy Christmas


1/ dntcaptcha not working on the existing Abp Project

Can you share the error logs?

2/ Unable to find package Volo.Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.Oracle with version (>=5.0.0)

See, we will publish the Nuget Package soon.

I am sorry to reply you late. 1/ By the way relating to DNTCaptcha, it does not show the image number when i upgrade to latest version. Currently i use the version 4.1.0 (which it is working). I will retest with the new version Volo.Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.Oracle and dotnet 6

2/ About the new version Volo.Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.Oracle, do you have any update? 3/ Right now i am facing with this error after running dotnet ef migrations add Created_Table_Entity Failed to initialize CoreCLR, HRESULT: 0x80004005

It is not working smoothly like before. Could you help ? Please note: I am developing on Visual Studion for Macbook and it had been working normally when i run " dotnet ef migrations add Created_Table_Entity"

After Upgrading to ABP Version5 and dotnet6, I have the following problems: 1/ dntcaptcha not working on the existing Abp Project It was working fine with the Abp version 4.4 and botnet 5, but now It does not show captcha image

2/ Unable to find package Volo.Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.Oracle with version (>=5.0.0) I update the Abp Suite and I run abp suite to create a new complete application using with Oracle. After creating the application successfully, I open it in the Visual Studio for Mac (Preview) and it starts to resolve my application. It shows errors Unable to find package Volo.Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.Oracle with version (>=5.0.0) In the Nuget, the latest version is 4.4.4. I tried to install this version but It fails because (I think) it might be this reason: .EntityFrameworkCore -> Volo.Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.Oracle 4.4.4 -> Oracle.EntityFrameworkCore 5.21.3 -> Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational (>= 5.0.6 && < 6.0.0). Checking compatibility of packages on net6.0.

Please note: I am using Visual Studio for Mac (Preview) because of the botnet 6 installed.


Sorry I'm late, I'm just on vacation.

It looks like you are createing CSV files in the JS, I think there is no problem.

But you want export Excel instead of CSV, you need to return file stream in the Controller.


public IActionResult ExportExcel() 
    string contentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"; 
    string fileName = "Report.xlsx"; 
    var workbook = new XLWorkbook(); 
    IXLWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add("sheet1"); 
    using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) 
        var content = stream.ToArray(); 
        return File(content, contentType, fileName); 


Thanks so much

@liangshiwei Sorry to ask you to verify it. May be you don't want to response. You can close this question now.


Can you check the article?

Thanks for the link. I dont follow it, because my coding follows , I copy code from google to use it in javascript. Please recommend whether it is a good practice or not. Here is my code:

$("#exportButton").click(function (e) {

        startDate: _latestFilters.startDate,
        endDate: _latestFilters.endDate
    }).then(function (statistic) {

        const data = JSON.stringify(statistic);

        var columns = ['name', 'total'];

        var rows = JSON.parse(data).map(function (obj) {
            return (key) {
                return obj[key];


        var processRow = function (row) {
            var finalVal = '';
            for (var j = 0; j &lt; row.length; j++) {
                var innerValue = row[j] === null ? &#39;&#39; : row[j].toString();
                if (row[j] instanceof Date) {
                    innerValue = row[j].toLocaleString();
                var result = innerValue.replace(/&quot;/g, &#39;&quot;&quot;&#39;);
                if (;|,|\n)/g) &gt;= 0)
                    result = '"' + result + '"';
                if (j > 0)
                    finalVal += ',';
                finalVal += result;
            return finalVal + '\n';

        var csvFile = '';
        for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
            csvFile += processRow(rows[i]);

        var blob = new Blob([csvFile], { type: 'text/csv;charset=utf-8;' });
        if (navigator.msSaveBlob) { // IE 10+
            navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, filename);
        } else {
            var link = document.createElement("a");
            if ( !== undefined) { // feature detection
                // Browsers that support HTML5 download attribute
                var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
                link.setAttribute("href", url);
                link.setAttribute("download", "WeeklyTop5");
       = 'hidden';




My understanding may not be correct, please let me know if yes.

You can bind the click event of the button, just an example:

     window.location.href = "/api.." 

Hi, that button event click is working. Thank you. By the way, I expected to use ClosedXML but it seems that i have to use javascript in order to export excel or CSV. Do you have a sample to do that in Javascript?

dashboardService.getWeeklyTop5BundlesPurchased({ startDate: filters.startDate, endDate: filters.endDate }).then(function (statistic) {

**----> How to get data and export to CSV or excel file ? ** });


My understanding may not be correct, please let me know if yes.

You can bind the click event of the button, just an example:

     window.location.href = "/api.." 

Let me try and will come back to you

This is my current JS. How can I make it work with button and export data to excel?

(function () {

var l = abp.localization.getResource("Dashboard");

var colors = ["#36A2EB", "#111111", "#FFCE56", "#4BC0C0", "#FF6384"];

abp.widgets.WeeklyTop5BundlesRenewPieChartWidget = function ($wrapper) {

    var _chart;

    var dashboardService = dashboard.bundleSubscs.bundleSubsc;

    var refresh = function (filters) {

            startDate: filters.startDate,
            endDate: filters.endDate
        }).then(function (statistic) {
   = {
                datasets: [
                        data: => x.totalSubscription),
                        backgroundColor: colors.slice(0, statistic.length),
                        label: l('Total'),
                        fill: true
                labels: =>


    var init = function (filters) {

        _chart = new Chart($wrapper.find('.WeeklyTop5BundlesRenewPieChart'),
                plugins: ['ChartDataLabels'],
                type: 'pie',
                options: {

                    tooltips: {
                        enabled: false,


                    plugins: {
                        datalabels: {
                            color: '#ffffff',
                            textAlign: 'center',
                            font: {
                                lineHeight: 1.6
                            formatter: function (value, ctx) {
                                return[ctx.dataIndex] + '\n' + value + '%';




    return {
        init: init,
        refresh: refresh


You can send the http request to export excel when JS onclick event.

Can please you share me a sample code?. I don't know how to do

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 14, 2025, 14:54