Activities of "piseth"


Thank you and i am sorry to ask, because i am really new to this: If the redis is enabled, a redis server is required? If so, how to configure it? and what redis server should be used?


OK, thank you. Please kindly don't close this ticket. Let me learn to implement Redis and once i have questions, i will come back.


I think Redis is not enabled by default. You can search for Redis keywords in the project.

If i don't use it, it is no problem. right?


If you use layered projects you need Redis. ==> do you mean if my project is created with "Tiered" selected before? When I created my project, i didnot tick it

My application is like the following:


I don't know how to use Redis. I publish my application to IIS without using the Redis. 1/Is it required to have a Redis? 2/If i want to use a Redis, could you share a document to setup it working with ABP application?


  • UI type: MVC
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes / no
  • Exception message and stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:"


Thank you. I follow you by adding the following:

builder.Entity<AuditLog>(b => { b.Property(x => x.Exceptions).HasColumnType("CLOB").HasMaxLength(4000); });

builder.Entity<AuditLogAction>(b => { b.Property(x => x.Parameters).HasColumnType("CLOB").HasMaxLength(4000); });

BUT i get the following error after dotnet ef database update.

declare l_nullable user_tab_columns.nullable % type; begin select nullable into l_nullable from user_tab_columns where table_name = 'QoEAuditLogs' and column_name = 'Exceptions' ; if l_nullable = 'N' then EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE "AuditLogs" MODIFY "Exceptions" CLOB NULL'; else EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE "AuditLogs" MODIFY "Exceptions" CLOB'; end if; end; Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleException (0x80004005): ORA-22858: invalid alteration of datatype

I google about it. It seems that it is not allowed to change from nvarchar2 to CLOB. From the following link, it is required to change nvarchar2 to other data type first. secondly change to CLOB. if so, how can i do that in MyProjectDbContext?

What was your Oracle version?

Sorry for late reply. My oracle is 19c Enterprise Edition Release

So how my code should look like?

it works like the following?

namespace MyProject.Web.Pages.Shared.Components.MyCharts.MyChartWidget
    ScriptTypes = new[] { typeof(MyChartWidgetWidgetScriptContributor) }
public class MyChartViewComponent : AbpViewComponent
    public virtual IViewComponentResult Invoke()
        return View("/Pages/Shared/Components/MyCharts/MyChartWidget/Default.cshtml");

public class MyChartWidgetWidgetScriptContributor : BundleContributor
    public override void ConfigureBundle(BundleConfigurationContext context)

any update plz?

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 14, 2025, 14:54