Hi @liangshiwei, we don't have plan to upgrade the version yet, is there any work around to fix this performance issue?
I have uploaded the log at the link below: https://1drv.ms/u/s!ApPUoIZEMrYMtn3IJjd1tuCyT72O?e=YbygD8
And the testing project: https://1drv.ms/u/s!ApPUoIZEMrYMtnyLclv1FrijY-o_?e=qzKjg3
Could you please help us take a look, thank you.
Hi @maliming,
Sorry for my late reply, I have shared the code to your email, please help us take a look.
var product = ObjectMapper.Map<ProductCreateDto, Product>(input);
// create product 1
product = await _productRepository.InsertAsync(product, autoSave: true);
// issue: product 1 was not created when I was debugging to this return line of code
return ObjectMapper.Map<Product, ProductDto>(product);
Hi @liangshiwei, I have followed your instruction, I can see a section to configure the module connection string. However, the "Apply database migrations" does not work, can advise on how to resolve the issue? or what are the next steps?
Hi @liangshiwei, do you mean that the HttpApi.Host is not production-ready?
The module template is used for creating a service/microservices: https://docs.abp.io/en/commercial/latest/startup-templates/module/creating-a-new-solution#without-user-interface
if it's not production-ready then how to deploy it as a microservice?
Hi @liangshiwei, I just tried the module template version 4.4.4 to check the individual connection strings for module, but I found there is still only 1 connection string when creating new tenant, where is a place to configure the connection string for module?
And I found one issue is when I keyed in the connection string and clicked "Apply database migrations":
I wait for a while but nothing happened, no database created, no error logs in both HttpApi and IdentityServer, is it a known bug?
Hi @liangshiwei, please ignore it, I have found the release:
4.4 (2021-08-02)
See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v4.4.
Allow to set multiple connection strings for each tenant, to separate a tenant's database per module/microservice.
Let me take a look on it.
Thank you.
Hi @liangshiwei, May I know from which version that Abp supports individual connection string for each module? I will try to take a look on it.
Thank you.
Hi @liangshiwei, thanks for your prompt reply!
I am still not quite clear about the solution. My understanding is the Abp Framework allows only 1 connection string when update the tenant, how does it know that this connection string is for the Main or Module?
Let's say I want to go with the option 1: having separate database for Module and share the same database for Main,
And I tried it before by setting the connection string pointing to the separate Module database (this database I created manually by executing the "dotnet ef database update" command)
But when I tried to login to tenant, it prompted the error could not find the IdentityServer tables in the new database as I reported above.
Could you help me elaborate more on this solution?
Thank you.