Activities of "muhammedaltug"


Do you want to change BookComponent's providers(Example: BookService)?


Can you check with yarn why @abp/ng.schematics command in.suite/schematics/ folder? By default, dependencies have ~(tilde) prefix. This means the last patch version of the dependent version. If you don't remove the tilde, npm or yarn will install 7.0.0-rc.5 version


We fixed the error. There is a workaround below for avoid this problem

export class QueueManager {
  private queue: Array<() => void> = [];
  private isRunning = false;
  private stack = 0;
  private interval = 0;
  private stackSize = 100;

  public init(interval: number, stackSize: number) {
    this.interval = interval;
    this.stackSize = stackSize;

  public add(fn: () => void) {

  private run() {
    if (this.isRunning) return;

    this.isRunning = true;

    const fn = this.queue.shift();

    if (!fn) {
      this.isRunning = false;

    if (this.stack > this.stackSize) {
      setTimeout(() => {
        this.isRunning = false;;
        this.stack = 0;
      }, this.interval);
    } else {
      this.isRunning = false;;

function checkCustom() {
  if (this.subscription) {

  this.subscription = this.permissionService
    .getGrantedPolicy$(this.condition || '')
    .subscribe(isGranted => {
      if (isGranted) this.vcRef.createEmbeddedView(this.templateRef);
      if (this.runChangeDetection) {
        if (!this.rendered) {
        } else {
      } else {
function after() {
  this.cdrSubject.pipe(take(1)).subscribe(() => {
    this.queue.add(() => {
  this.rendered = true;
PermissionDirective.prototype['check'] = checkCustom;
PermissionDirective.prototype['ngAfterViewInit'] = after;

PermissionDirective.prototype['cdrSubject'] = new ReplaySubject();
PermissionDirective.prototype['rendered'] = false;
PermissionDirective.prototype['queue'] = new QueueManager();


Can you send suite logs?


We fixed the error the fix will be available in the next version. For now, to avoid this problem, can you update .suite/schematics/package.json with the following? After changing the version of @abp/ng.schematics package, please remove yarn.lock or package-lock.json and reinstall packages with yarn or npm install command in .suite/schematics folder.

"@abp/ng.schematics": "7.0.0-rc.4"


we still have an issue related to this ticket

As Maliming said, there is nothing we can do for the Swagger problem, as far as I know, unfortunately

we have an app with single auth server from a second app we see all log host and tenant

To reproduce this problem, I ran this sample application, and as a result, I could not reproduce it. I have a few questions so I can reproduce the problem.

  • What is the second app? is it developed with ABP?
  • Did you log in from the second app with a user belonging to the host or a user belonging to the tenant?
  • By "all log," do you mean the data in the audit logs table?
    • Is a valid ID of the tenant set for the relevant log records in the TenantId column in the audit logs table?


API configuration in file should not have HTTP or HTTPS. Can you check?

I think your config should be like below

export const environment = {
  production: true,
  // other config
  apis: {
    default: {
      url: '',
} as Environment;


File sent to your email


I created a project with ABP Suite in version 6.0.2. And I created an entity with CRUD Page generator. There was no error.

Can you send the project with created in 6.0.2 version via email? Please don't apply workarounds. Please don't upload public platforms.


You can replace the existing lepton-x js bundle by copying the lepton-x.bundle.min.js into /src/YourProject.Web/Themes/LeptonX/Global/side-menu/js

Note: Side menu of lepton x has been styled to have a maximum of 4 levels. If you want a space after the fourth level, you need to add the style below to your global-styles.css file.

  .lpx-menu-item-link {
  padding-left: 108px;
Showing 61 to 70 of 254 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 14, 2025, 14:54