Activities of ""

Thank you for your response. I actually just switched to that. I'd rather be able to call it separately, but this will work.

my goal was to get a List<ValidationResult>. but I'm hoping the following will work instead

            var exceptions = new List<Exception>();
            var isIdUnique = await IsCodeUnique(dto.Id, dto.Code);

            if (!isIdUnique)
                exceptions.Add(new UserFriendlyException("Country Code already exists"));

            var isNameUnique = await IsNameUnique(dto.Id, dto.Name);

            if (!isNameUnique)
                exceptions.Add(new UserFriendlyException("Country Name already exists"));

            if (exceptions.Any())
                throw new AggregateException(exceptions);

I don't want to have to duplicate every base crud like create below just to do validation. There's got to be a better way. Please advise.

    public virtual async Task&lt;TGetOutputDto&gt; CreateAsync(TCreateInput input)
        await CheckCreatePolicyAsync();


        var entity = await MapToEntityAsync(input);


        await Repository.InsertAsync(entity, autoSave: true);

        return await MapToGetOutputDtoAsync(entity);

I find that hard to believe that the only methods you can call our the base CRUD. Certainly you should be able to add a permission and be able to call a custom method in the Application Service.

Without this flexibility, that means having repetitive code many many times. I want to use the base CRUD but validate. This should be very very basic.

I reverted back to my original implementation which does the validation in the application service. However I still need my second question answered because I have the same issue.

when calling the service from the web project I can successfully use Service.UpdateAsync but Service.ValidateAsync needs permissions. How do I configure a proper permission?

  • ABP Framework version: 4RC
  • UI type: MVC
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Seperated (Angular): no

I really don't like doing this validation in the DTO, but I was unable to get it to work any other way. It would be great if the second half of your validation page ( had more detail and specific usage on an alternative method.

Regardless, I'm dealing with a few issues with this approach:

  • there really should be a ValidateAsync(ValidationContext validationContext) method
  • when calling the service (IsIdUnique for example) I'm getting
    probably a simple fix, but the only way I found around it is removing authorization from the service which is obviously not a real fix.


  public class CountryCreateDto : IValidatableObject
        private string _id;

        private string _name;

        [StringLength(CountryConsts.IdMaxLength, MinimumLength = CountryConsts.IdMinLength)]
        [RegularExpression(@"^[A-Z''-'\s]{2,3}$", ErrorMessage = "The Country Code must be between two and three uppercase letters.")]
        public string Id
            get => _id;
            set => _id = value.Trim()

        [StringLength(CountryConsts.NameMaxLength, MinimumLength = CountryConsts.NameMinLength)]
        public string Name
            get => _name;
            set => _name = value.Trim().ToUpper();

        public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            var service = validationContext.GetRequiredService<ICountryAppService>();

            var validationResults = new List<ValidationResult>();

            var isIdUnique = Task.Run(async () => await service.IsIdUnique(Id))

            if (!isIdUnique)
                validationResults.Add(new ValidationResult("Country Code already exists", new[]

            var isNameUnique = Task.Run(async () => await service.IsNameUnique( Name))

            if (!isNameUnique)
                validationResults.Add(new ValidationResult("Country Name already exists", new[]

            return validationResults;


public class CountryAppService : ApplicationService, ICountryAppService


    public class CountryAppService : CrudAppService<Country,CountryDto, string, GetCountriesInput, CountryCreateDto, CountryUpdateDto>, ICountryAppService

resolved the issue

. .sending linkk with code to

I have a project for you to review this. Please provide an email address .

  • **ABP Framework version: 4.0.0-rc.3
  • UI type: MVC
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Seperated (Angular): no
  • Exception message and stack trace:

I am having all sorts of trouble with this error. Sometimes it works once, sometimes not at all

This is coming from an ABP Suite generated ApplicationService

public class CountryAppService : ApplicationService, ICountryAppService

This is being utilized by a Blazor component hosted in a razor file

    <component type="typeof(CountryManager)" render-mode="ServerPrerendered" />

I had no problems whatsoever with v3.

Let me know if you require additional information. Thank you

my only outstanding issue is

thank you

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 14, 2025, 14:54