Hello I want to get all the User Role Org entities from IdentityDbContext in my .*EntityFrameworkCore project How can I achieve that? thanks~ or are there User Role Org cache in Redis ?
Hi guys
I created an api like
public virtual Task<LoadResult> GetDxListAsync(DataSourceLoadOptionsBase input)//[FromBody]
return _mailsAppService.GetDxListAsync(input);
There is a complex parameter(DataSourceLoadOptionsBase ) in my API. and generate a static client. but"Volo.Abp.Http.Client.ClientProxying" didn't handle it well.
then i found that in v5.0. there is a way to handle it myself. github so I add those code in my service's Httpapi.client
//in OaServiceHttpApiClientModule
Configure<AbpHttpClientProxyingOptions>(options =>
options.QueryStringConverts.Add(typeof(DataSourceLoadOptionsBase), typeof(DataSourceLoadOptionsBaseToQueryString));
public class DataSourceLoadOptionsBaseToQueryString : IObjectToQueryString<DataSourceLoadOptionsBase>, ITransientDependency
public Task<string> ConvertAsync(DataSourceLoadOptionsBase values)
if (values==null)
return null;
return Task.FromResult("12345678");
but after i called the method "GetDxListAsync" in my blazor client nothing happened.
is there someone can help me?
HI guys I creat a microserve with abp suite,then add the services\product in it.when i creat a crud page I get error "can't find the Volo.Abp.Commercial.SuiteTemplates.dll", the dll doesn't exist in "bin\Debug\net5.0" like this url support.so I use " abp add-package Volo.Abp.Commercial.SuiteTemplates" to add the SuiteTemplates to my product.blazor project. then i get the curd page created.but when I try to build the project,I get lots of errors. one kind is "The name 'xxx' does not exist in the current context" like the L method, other one is "'OnInitializedAsync' : no suitable method found to override". the razor page has this line" @inherits ProductServiceComponentBase". I don't know how to fix and what i missed.
I have few questiones. Q1 Is the microserve project need to add the "SuiteTemplates.dll" manualy? Q2 Why the errors("cs0115,cs0103") came.how should i fix ? PS:I am dealing the problem few days.i tried to uninstall cli and the abp suite. created a new project,but noting worked. please help me out.