Activities of "liangshiwei"


I could not reproduce the problem with the project you provided

What's your steps?


I can create a tenant without any error

BTW, you can try :

using (var uow = _unitOfWorkManager.Begin(requiresNew: false, isTransactional: false))
    var tenantConfiguration = await _tenantStore.FindAsync(tenantId);
    if (tenantConfiguration?.ConnectionStrings != null &&
        foreach (var migrator in _dbSchemaMigrators)
            await migrator.MigrateAsync();

    await uow.CompleteAsync();

, can we use the linked account to link User A and User B

Yes you can,


dotnet nuget locals -c http-cache dotnet nuget locals -c temp


You can add the module solution, then you can use the abp suite to generate code.


Sorry, could you explain in it detail? thanks.


Ok, I will check it


As I said, typically application services use repositories or domain services and they have the ability to access databases.

It is almost indistinguishable from non-tiered:

  • Remove ...HttpApiClientModule from WebModule
  • Remove AbpAspNetCoreMvcClientModule from WebModule
  • Remove AbpHttpClientWebModule from WebModule
  • Add ..Application reference to the Web project and add ..ApplicationModule to the WebModule
  • Add ..EntityFrameworkCoreModule reference to the Web project and add ..EntityFrameworkCoreModule to the WebModule
  • Configure Auto API controllers:
Configure<AbpAspNetCoreMvcOptions>(options =>

Duplicate of

ok, thanks.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 14, 2025, 14:54