Activities of "liangshiwei"


Please add these module dependencies to MRSModule

// Saas Management module packages

BTW, I guess you don't want to include the SaasModule in your project. if so, you don't need to add module dependencies. but you should remove all ITenantRepository uses.

Update the MRSDbMigrationService class.

public class MRSDbMigrationService : ITransientDependency
    public ILogger<MRSDbMigrationService> Logger { get; set; }

    private readonly IDataSeeder _dataSeeder;
    private readonly MRSEFCoreDbSchemaMigrator _dbSchemaMigrator;

    public MRSDbMigrationService(
        IDataSeeder dataSeeder,
        MRSEFCoreDbSchemaMigrator dbSchemaMigrator)
        _dataSeeder = dataSeeder;
        _dbSchemaMigrator = dbSchemaMigrator;

        Logger = NullLogger<MRSDbMigrationService>.Instance;

    public async Task MigrateAsync()
        var initialMigrationAdded = AddInitialMigrationIfNotExist();

        if (initialMigrationAdded)

        Logger.LogInformation("Started database migrations...");

        await MigrateDatabaseSchemaAsync();
        await SeedDataAsync();

        Logger.LogInformation($"Successfully completed host database migrations.");

        Logger.LogInformation("You can safely end this process...");

Add the following code to Program class

if (IsMigrateDatabase(args))


It's better you create different roles to manage the permissions. Or you can set a role without any permission and manage the permissions on the user side.


Can you share some browser developer tools screenshots?

It's a DI problem, looks like one of your services is not registered with the container.

Some possible reasons:

  • You didn't add the DbSet to the database context for your entity.
  • You miss the Dependency Interfaces for your own service

Dependency Injection document:

You can share the project with me if you still not found the problem, I will check it.


I could not reproduce the problem, could you share the full steps to reproduce it? thanks.


Can you share some browser developer tools screenshots?


It's possible.


@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Localization
@using Qa.Blazor.Components
@using Volo.Abp.Account.Localization
@inject IHtmlLocalizer<AccountResource> L
@inject Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Layout.IPageLayout PageLayout
    PageLayout.Content.Title = L["Register"].Value;

@(await Html.RenderComponentAsync<RegisterComponent>(RenderMode.ServerPrerendered))


 <h3>Blazor Component in MVC</h3>


I could not reproduce the problem, can you use a new project to reproduce the problem and share it with me? I will check it.

One more thing As I am using the commercial version of the Identity and Sass modules, I would like access to the following .cshtml files:

The team license does not include source code, I'm not sure I can share the code with you, I will ask ABP team.

I'm not sure about the namespace/Intermediate folders

You can see it in the request

Sorry, I thought the API you were talking about was the connect/token endpoint.

Volo.Abp.Account.Public.Web.Areas.Account.Controllers.AccountController is being used for api/account/login

We don't have such an app service, all things are done in the login model.

There are some differences between IdentityServer and OpenIddict

IdentityServer, you can custom login page: IdentityServerSupportedLoginModel

public class MyLoginModel : IdentityServerSupportedLoginModel

Openiddict you can custom login page: OpenIddictSupportedLoginModel

public class MyLoginModel : OpenIddictSupportedLoginModel 

Still cannot limit the execution time for job instance, so any job does not work more than 5 minutes for example

It's Hangfire support this? can you explant it in detail thanks?

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 20, 2025, 10:27