Activities of "jkrause"


We have been integrating ABP Commercial Business into our new project and so far it has been a good experience. Getting our domain and entity models added, we initially opted for using Suite to generate the UI components, but considering and realizing the more unique requirements, eventually settled on adding them manually after studying the generated code.

We opted to move these requirements to their own module where appropriate, and together with two additional modules, Metronic 8 and Multilingual, we have been able to get the authentication and dashboard integration working fine with our data models. The pages are not crazy fast, but consistent, and the 'user experience' is fine considering the current stages of development. It took some getting used to, to figure out where everything should go, especially with the localization and modules, but we feel we are at a good state none the less.

However, we came to the point where we wanted to try and figure out the 'modal' experience, which is also part of the default generated website and the pages generated with Suite. We generated the CRUD experience for 1 particular model, studied the generated code, removed what we didn't need, and added what we did need (mostly Metronic styling). The auto-generated HTTP/API and proxy classes gave an additional hurdle to fully understand the minimal requirements to get it all working together, but we did and the result was good, visually.

We decided on a more traditional approach for the models, whereas the 'index' and 'list' pages are using Knockout JS, but we are using razor pages for loading the modal content. These modals have been using the generated suite ABP tag helpers where applicable and regular (Microsoft) tag-helpers to get the desired output. We do have some script bound to provide an auto-complete experience, but it is with the form rendering where we are experiencing the first serious slowdown.

Loading the 'Create' modal of the model, that is showing your typical "Name, Address" fields takes 3-4 seconds to load. We double checked the API call and verified that it completed in 60ms, so it's not the ABP backend causing a slow-down. Since it is a Create modal, there are no additional DB queries involved, in fact we removed everything that could potentially slow it down, returning an empty new FooViewModel() as the result, but still the dialog loaded extremely slow.

However, this did sped up the initial experience (not having to load all navigation properties, like list of companies, list of users) it did not speed up the modal loading part. We analyzed all we could think of, removing tag-helpers, removing the modal body, enabling trace logging, double-checking no EF queries are being fired. Perhaps slow scripts that could prevent the dialog from showing, but nothing explained the slow-down. We installed AppInsights, but no additional insights into what caused the slow-down. Logging output also revealed no additional information as there are simply 2-3 lines visible where it matches the route and then 3-4secs later an indication that the content is being shown.

We then started to time the entire call, which is divided as follows:

  • ~60ms to initialize/retrieve the 'Get' operation of the CreateModal razor page
  • ~3500ms to render all form controls of the modal
  • ~1000ms to render the two dropdowns containing translated Enum values

We checked with F12 in Chrome/Edge to verify that the website was waiting for the server to render the modal, we also verified this by calling just the 'create-modal' route, and that is taking almost 4 seconds to render. We then removed all form/tag helpers on the modal, and it renders in ~100ms. Then every single form field, using a tag-helper adds 200-400ms delay, and as mentioned earlier, the two dropdowns containing localized Enum values, take upwards to 500ms each.

Checking the Network tab in Chrome reveals the total load time of the modal itself:

We then added a Stopwatch on the Razor page to show the rendering times of each control:

We tried quite a lot of things to determine what could, or should not be part of the issue:

  1. Sending a regular GET request to the API endpoint, request takes 60ms
    • Statement: ABP "Backend" is not the cause of the slowdown
    • Statement: DB queries are not impeding the page load
  2. Requesting the create-modal route itself, dialog still takes 4500ms
    • Statement: Therefor, scripts are not impeding the page load as no scripts are loaded and executed
  3. Removing all modal body content, dialog takes 100ms
    • Statement: ABP "Frontend" itself is likely not causing the slowdown, as the page is rendered quickly, thus issue has to be server-side
  4. Replacing the tag-helpers with @Html.DisplayFor and @Html.Input, dialog takes 200ms
    • Statement: Tag-helpers are somehow causing the slowdown??
  5. Replacing the ABP tag-helpers with Microsoft built-in tag-helpers, dialog takes 3500ms
    • Statement: ABP localization of the select element takes 500ms each (using MS tag-helpers effectively disables the localization that ABP-Select provides)
    • Statement: ABP Tag-helpers are seemingly not the cause of the slowdown
    • Statement: Tag-helpers themselves are seemingly part of the slowdown as the 2nd instance of each tag-helper takes 1ms but the initial slowdown is there

We've partially executed and considered the following alternative approaches:

  • Creating a completely new MVC/Razor application using Suite, re-adding the entity/model/modal/module that we are currently profiling
    • Statement: Not yet completed, as getting the bare minimum host setup working takes considerable time
    • Statement: Justification for taking this route is to eliminate a potentially bad configured Web/Module project
  • Creating a tiered application, allowing us to fully separate from the Web project and then just consuming the API endpoints
    • Statement: Extremely frustrating getting OAuth working, so not been able to even get the login part working
  • Considering ditching the ABP Frontend altogether and creating a SPA-experience using Vue
    • Statement: This creates a huge disadvantage of not having the built-in features available and a huge time-loss as well
  • Start over from scratch, no ABP, just plain vanilla project setup
    • Statement: Last ditch resort, but would set us back ~3 months and we would have to 'reinvent' ABP features
    • Statement Very costly, as we bought the Business edition of ABP Commercial

I realize that one of your first automated replies would probably be: Can you get us an isolated MVP project to showcase the issue? Well sadly, I cannot, our project is currently the smallest application to reproduce the problem.

However, we are more than willing to:

  • Share access to the repository + DB
  • Remote access and diagnosis to the development machine (TeamViewer or similar)
  • Brainstorm over a Google Meet call with screensharing
  • Provide credentials to the Test environment to witness the slow-down

Any help and direction at this point will be appreciated, as we simply cannot figure out why the tag-helpers and localization are causing a slowdown. Did we perhaps make a fatal configuration error with regards to modules and inheritance? Is there another option to enable diagnostic logging to figure out what the "server" is doing for ~4secs?

We've banged our heads against this wall for about a full sprint now (2 weeks) and have reached a point where we need a solution, either hopefully with the expert assistance of your team, or by reaching a different conclusion on how to proceed further.

Thank you very much for your time and effort reading this very lengthy question.


In our application we have the following structure: Main Application -> Our Custom Module -> ABP Module(s). Inside this custom module, we want to be able to link our data with a User and/or Organisation. So through ABP Suite we have setup the needed navigation properties:

This took some effort, and if we didn't have the Commercial source package, I am not sure how to have accomplished this properly from inside a module, but that is besides the issue I am raising. Looking at the provided sample code generated within the AcmeDbContext class, we can see that [ReplaceDbContext(typeof(IIdentityProDbContext))] is used to replace that implementation with that of our own AcmeDbContext class.

Assuming this is how it is done, we did the same in our ModuleDbContext class and added the [ReplaceDbContext(typeof(IIdentityProDbContext))] attribute. We added the required DbSet properties and made sure that builder.ConfigureIdentityPro(); is called. We then added [ReplaceDbContext(typeof(IAcmeDbContext))] attribute to the main application AcmeDbContext so we can also expose our new entities there for later use (a call to builder.ConfigureAcme(); was also added as we replicated that setup).

We have a Company entity that we wish to connect to a User and Organization and using the Suite configuration above it generates the following class:

public partial class Company : FullAuditedEntity<Guid>, IMultiTenant
    public Guid OrganizationId { get; set; }    // OrganizationUnit is referenced here as expected
    public Guid UserId { get; set; }            // IdentityUser is referenced here as expected
    public Guid? TenantId { get; set; }

    /* Snip! */

Subsequently, the WithNavigationProperties class is generated as expected (putting it here for reference and completeness sake):

public class CompanyWithNavigationProperties
    public Company Company { get; set; }
    public OrganizationUnit OrganizationUnit { get; set; }
    public IdentityUser IdentityUser { get; set; }

And the necessary methods within the EfCoreCompanyRepository class is also available:

protected virtual async Task<IQueryable<CompanyWithNavigationProperties>> GetQueryForNavigationPropertiesAsync()
    return from company in (await GetDbSetAsync())
           join organizationUnit in (await GetDbContextAsync()).OrganizationUnits
               on company.OrganizationId equals organizationUnit.Id into organizationUnits
           from organizationUnit in organizationUnits.DefaultIfEmpty()
           join identityUser in (await GetDbContextAsync()).Users
               on company.UserId equals identityUser.Id into users
           from identityUser in users.DefaultIfEmpty()

           select new CompanyWithNavigationProperties
               Company = company,
               OrganizationUnit = organizationUnit,
               IdentityUser = identityUser

We build and start the application and navigate to the 'Companies' menu item; here we are treated with the following:

  1. Error 500 dialog in our Application
  2. Error Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'inner') message inside the EF Core log

After a slight refactoring of this particular method (as I wanted to get more familiar with the generated code and why it looked like that) it looks like the following:

protected virtual async Task<IQueryable<CompanyWithNavigationProperties>> GetQueryForNavigationPropertiesAsync()
    // Retrieve the current DbContext once (does it make a difference?)
    var dbContext = await GetDbContextAsync();

    // Add explicit references to the DbSet properties so we can easily inspect them during Debug
    var companies = dbContext.Companies;                // This is (await GetDbSetAsync()) in generated code
    var organizations = dbContext.OrganizationUnits;    // This DbSet<T> is null!
    var identityUsers = dbContext.Users;                // This DbSet<T> is null!

    return from company in companies

           // The generated join is an 'Outer Join' even though our navigations are 'Required', but irrelevant to the issue
           join organizationUnit in organizations
               on company.OrganizationId equals organizationUnit.Id into organizationUnits
           from organizationUnit in organizationUnits.DefaultIfEmpty()

           // The generated join is an 'Outer Join' even though our navigations are 'Required', but irrelevant to the issue
           join identityUser in identityUsers
               on company.UserId equals identityUser.Id into users
           from identityUser in users.DefaultIfEmpty()

           select new CompanyWithNavigationProperties
               Company = company,
               OrganizationUnit = organizationUnit,
               IdentityUser = identityUser

Now I could see that the DbSet properties that we took from the IIdentityProDbContext interface are seemingly not properly referring, or mapped to the table on this particular context, even though by my current, and still very much growing understanding of ABP, was configured correctly using [ReplaceDbContext(typeof(IIdentityProDbContext))]?

TL;DR, after using ReplaceDbContext the implemented DbSet properties are null inside a module that the main application is using.

What am I missing here? Why is Users and Organization null? Did I miss some key configuration part to make this work? Did I totally misunderstand the intention here? All the wiring of this logic is happening inside the Module and not the Application. We will make and use different pages and logic there that does not belong to this module. I have also checked the various sources of the Commercial modules, but it seems nothing is making a reference to either a User or Organization.

To summarize:

  1. Module has its own DbContext and entities, but Migration is handled in the Application
  2. Entities have either a required or optional link to an Organization and/or a User
  3. ReplaceDbContext was used inside the Module (IdentityPro) and also the Application (Module, IdentityPro) but the 'inherited' DbSet properties are null
  4. DependsOn was used inside the Module (IdentityPro) and also the Application (IdentityPro and Module)
  5. The AppService, Repository and Pages for the entities (Company) are inside the Module
  6. Additional properties have been added to IdentityUser and OrganizationUnit (that are migrated, displayed and working properly)

I would like to create a computed property for the purpose of using this in the navigation dropdown as the display property. I think this scenario could be pretty common, especially with the desire to often add the IdentityUser as a navigation property to one of your own entities. So for that purpose I wanted to add a "FullName" property to IdentityUserDto, instead of now only being able to choose between Name and Surname that is available on this type (other properties are of course available, but not relevant to the question).

Having already been successful in adding multiple 'regular' properties to the IdentityUser entity and the IdentityUserDto class, I am thus familiar with the various options, and also what is currently available as information from the documentation. However, how could we achieve this type of extension property? I am unable to figure out how to access the Dto instance itself when providing the configuration, so I am confused how I can create my property.

As a reference, this is how I would declare the property if the Dto class was my own:

public string FullName => string.Join(" ", string.Empty, Name, Surname).Trim();

or as a common variation using interpolation:

public string FullName => $"{Name} {Surname}).Trim();

What do I need to provide to the configuration parameter to achieve the equivalent result?

user.AddOrUpdateProperty<string>(UserConsts.FullName, options => options.DefaultValue = <What should I use here?>);

I also looked at the DefaultValueFactory but this Func does not provide access to the referencing type.

Note: If this is currently not possible through the regular extension methods, is there any alternative or other work-around to achieve something similar?

Thanks for your time and effort.

If you're creating a bug/problem report, please include followings:

  • ABP Framework version: v5.0.0.beta.3
  • UI type: MVC
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): Tiered MVC
  • Exception message and stack trace: [10:22:37 ERR] Connection id "0HMD07N4O5EKN", Request id "0HMD07N4O5EKN:00000003": An unhandled exception was thrown by the application. Volo.Abp.AbpException: Could not find the bundle file '/libs/' for the bundle 'Lepton.Global'!
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:" Update abp suite using: abp suite update --preview then proceed to start it using abp suite once the browser is opened error 500 is displayed and the exception listed above is visible in the console window that launched ABP Suite.

I have also updated the npm module of globally, but I presume the application is expecting this lib to be available from a local perspective.

If there is a more suited place to report v5 specific issues that would be great as the current support forum is less than accomodation filtering out the v5 specific issues.

PS. If this is a known issue, I'd like to request a credit refund of our question limit, tyvm :)

Update: I was able to add the library to the presumable path it is looking for: %USERPROFILE%\.dotnet\tools\.store\volo.abp.suite\5.0.0-beta.3\volo.abp.suite\5.0.0-beta.3\tools\net6.0\any\wwwroot\libs\ and added the bs5 package there copied from the npm folder, but it now refers to another missing library: Could not find the bundle file '/libs/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.enable.tooltips.everywhere.js' for the bundle 'Lepton.Global'!

Update 2: I've add an empty file called bootstrap.enable.tooltips.everywhere.js in that folder and abp suite now at least launches, seemingly without any console errors. So we can continue our day, hope this information can contribute to locating the issue, or perhaps if I missed something when upgrading.

Thanks a lot for your time and efforts!

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 14, 2025, 14:54