Activities of "improwise"

be sure that you have installed ABP Suite v4.4.4

To us, that didn't make a difference as ABP Suite will use latest packages regardless. What we had to do was to create the solution manually using the CLI and specifying the version as 4.4.3, and then add it manually to ABP Suite.

I would imagine that you probably do not need to downgrade ABP Suite and CLI to 4.4.3 if you only make sure to reference 4.4.3 packages instead of 4.4.4, but we never tried that. My guess is that the Lepthon theme in 4.4.4 is causing these problems but once we got 4.4.3 to work, we have not done any more error searching.

For anyone struggling with this, you need to use the CLI like (written from memory so could be errors)

abp new myproject -t abp-pro -u blazorXXX -v 4.4.3

which would create a new project an reference 4.4.3 packages instead (ABP Suite will always use latest packages it seems regardless of version when you create the project from there). Then you can add that to ABP Suite and use it as normal and it will compile fine with both VS2019 and VS2022 and also work runtime. At least it did for us.

I hope you manage to find a solution to this quickly. Thanks.

Hi @improwise, I've created an app-pro template with Blazor Server as UI and EF-Core as the database provider (in v4.4.4). Then, I could successfully generate CRUD pages for my Book entity.

  • Can you check your both application version and suite version is same and in v4.4.4?

For some strange reason, we notice that the error messages seem to be truncated.

Yes, I reproduced this problem using VS 2022. But there is not any problem, when using dotnet run command or using other IDE such as Rider. There could be a problem in VS 2022, we will investigate this, thanks.

Glad to see this issue getting some attention now and hopefully it would then be solved quickly.

Even if it works outside of Visua Studio, that isn't really a viable solution to the problem at hand here but it might give some valuable information to what needs to be fixed. Please note that after downgrading to 4.4.3, everything seems to be back to normal, we tried that ourselves to try to decide if ABP or VS/.net was the problem here. I would imagine that perhaps ABP Suite can still generate CRUD pages, we never tried that since the solution produced by ABP Suite did not work at all reliably.

please provide us the following steps to reproduce your issue

  • Your ABP version:
  • DB provider: EF Core / MongoDB
  • Which template are you having issue? (app-pro , module-pro, console , etc..)
  • Tiered or non-tiered
  • UI type: Blazor Server / Blazor WASM
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

I believe all needed information is already listed in the OP here and in other threads.

I have the same issue, with all combination of CLI & nuget 4.4.4 / 5.0.0-beta3 on Blazor Server with EfCore. 1st run all is ok
2nd run error and log truncated: Unhandled exception in circuit '1p-8ASDVzLQleQfw2SNY1-9IQo226k0XJ5M-bbKlSC4'. Volo.Abp.AbpException: Undefined permission: AuditL

Undefined permission can be different on each run, and this appen only if there is an instance of browser left open

Just to clarify, this is what we are seing also. That if you manage to compile it, it seem to work first time but then not again. I think that when we messed around with it a bit, we got some idea that it could be related to if you were authenticated or not and that clearing cookies could sometimes have an effect. But if that was some random thing or not we never managed to figure out before we gave up and downgraded to 4.4.3.

I do believe that we can say that enough users are affected by this in some way or another so that we can conclude that it is an actual real problem with ABP 4.4.4 / and beta 5 and not just something related to bad configuration on a single development machine etc. And since everything seem to work fine when you downgrade to 4.4.3 (at least it seems to do for us), I guess it is unlikely that it is due to problems with VS2022 or .net 5/6 even though you can of course never be sure.

Hello Guys, that's correct. One some computers it is creating problem with 4.4.4 and also with 4.4.3 where as on some it is working ok with 4.4.3 and even 4.4.4.

but issue is its not working on our systems.

If you create a new project in ABP Suite, and first just build it in VS2019 and then rebuild it, is it a difference? We have noticed that sometimes it works when you build it first time, but when you rebuild it, it will not even compile in VS2019. In VS2022 it will still compile with rebuild all, but instead fail runtime.

This with ABP 4.4.4 packages (which ABP Suite will use regardless of version, or at least use the latest version of packages).

it builds successfully, but when you see the first page.
you are seeing exception in inspect window with the error above mentioned.

Yes, that is what we get in VS2022, where it still builds. In VS2019 however, it will not build at all after we do a rebuild (rebuild all), but instead complain about:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error CS1576 The line number specified for #line directive is missing or invalid BlazorTest1.Blazor M:*************\BlazorTest1\aspnet-core\src\BlazorTest1.Blazor\obj\Debug\net5.0\Razor\Components\Layout\MainFooterComponent.razor.g.cs 111 Active

Hello Guys, that's correct. One some computers it is creating problem with 4.4.4 and also with 4.4.3 where as on some it is working ok with 4.4.3 and even 4.4.4.

but issue is its not working on our systems.

If you create a new project in ABP Suite, and first just build it in VS2019 and then rebuild it, is it a difference? We have noticed that sometimes it works when you build it first time, but when you rebuild it, it will not even compile in VS2019. In VS2022 it will still compile with rebuild all, but instead fail runtime.

This with ABP 4.4.4 packages (which ABP Suite will use regardless of version, or at least use the latest version of packages).


Was able to recreate the same problem with ABP Suite and CLI 4.4.3 as ABP Suite seem to go for the latest packages regardless of version. Will email it to you know with "instructions".


ABP Framework version: latest

Are you using version 4.4.4 or 5.0.0.beta3?


As there are several customers who have reported the same problem, the information is currently a bit spread out unfortunately. We initially wrote in the 4.4.4 bug thread but when we got no reply there, we created a new thread. Maybe you should try to collect all related posts in just one thread or something like that.

We tried creating new blazor projects with ABP Suite and CLI 4.4.4 installed, both with stable and preview. The problems we got where kind of the same, maybe that the one based on the 4.4.4 never worked, but the one based on beta 3 worked sometimes (as strange as that might seem) which had us wondering if it could be VS2022/.net initially, but all problems when away when we downgraded to ABP 4.4.3). Also please note that the project wouldn't even build in VS2019 (latest version) as mentioned in the 4.4.4 bug thread. Something strange is going on here, but as it seem to affect other customers as well, it probably isn't my local configuration etc.

Having downgraded to 4.4.3 and made sure new project were created with 4.4.3 packages (using CLI), everything seem to be working again.

Hi @improwise

Short version, Blazor (client and server) seem to be broken currently even if you create a new project with default settings in ABP Suite and just try to run it after having executed DBMigrator.

I can't reproduce the problem.

Can you provide a project to me?

Thanks for responding. There seem to be several customer having the same problem so I would imagine that it isn't something specific on my end here like local configuration etc. Please see here for more details about the problem

To reproduce it, we just had to create a new ABP Commercial project with ABP suite and CLI 4.4.4 and using Blazor as UI (client or server). This occurred after trying to run the .Blazor project (DBMigration run fine). This would lead to problems that gave errors about settings / permissions and also wierd error reports (like the OP in this thread). :

I have included the source code in my project for the Lepton theme. The error is gives is the same, but the permssion that it's faling on is a bit random. The stack trace below is for AbpIdentit... but another might be "Volo.Abp.AbpException: Undefined permission: Languag"

Notice how there a characters missing in LanguagE here, and as mentioned in the other threads, we have seen other similar problems. These started occuring when we upgraded to 4.4.4 and went away when we downgraded to 4.4.3 again (both for stable and preview).

Plese have a look in the threads listed above to get a better understanding of the problem and hopefully find a solution. As we no longer have 4.4.4. installed, I am not sure we can generate a broken project to reproduce the problem. Thanks.

We were able to work around this by downgrading to ABP 4.4.3 (which isn't too easy to do as ABP Suite tend to go for latest packages regardless of version) as 4.4.4 just wasn't working at all with Blazor it seems.

We are a bit worried though that even though the first ticket related to these problems with Blazor and ABP 4.4.4 was created five days ago (not by us), we have yet to see an official reply from Support regarding this and it seems there are other customer affected by this as well.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 14, 2025, 14:54