Activities of "dev3.advantiss"


I have upgrade ABP version to 5.3.3, and get same results as use 4.3.3 version. Maybe my setting for Redis are wrong... Could you review my code and find mistakes or problems?

I added code for Redis in RealtorHttpApiHostModule private void ConfigureCache(ServiceConfigurationContext context)


There will be many optimizations in the new versions, if you can upgrade this is the best solution.

Do you have any document for upgrade ABP version?

If I use local redis, site will work good I try to use redis in Azure and another machine - I have problems with performance...


It seems to be a network issue. please check the network status between the two computers(website and redis)

I have tested connection with site to redis(used redis-benchmark) and I have same results on different points. I have good results for ABP version 5.3.3, but bad results for ABP version 4.3.3.

In version 4.3.3 ABP caches all entities, but it does not need for me. Maybe in 4.3.3 does not work GetManyAsync and SetManyAsync functionality? I don't know.

Please make your repository Private first.

I have changed repository to Private

I tried to use redis, but I got to decrease performance Site works very slowly and all entities are cached. I do not need cache all entities. I created new project with ABP version 5.3.1 - redis works fine If I use local redis, site will work good I try to use redis in Azure and another machine - I have problems with performance...

I created simple project with redis. Redis test project

  • ABP Framework version: v4.3.3
  • UI type: Angular
  • DB provider: MongoDB
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes
  • Exception message and stack trace:
2022-07-21 20:37:54.876 +03:00 [DBG] CORS request made for path: /api/abp/application-configuration from origin: http://localhost:4200 but was ignored because path was not for an allowed IdentityServer CORS endpoint
2022-07-21 20:37:54.876 +03:00 [INF] No CORS policy found for the specified request.
2022-07-21 20:37:54.882 +03:00 [INF] Executing endpoint 'Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApplicationConfigurations.AbpApplicationConfigurationController.GetAsync (Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc)'
2022-07-21 20:37:54.889 +03:00 [INF] Route matched with {area = "abp", action = "Get", controller = "AbpApplicationConfiguration", page = ""}. Executing controller action with signature System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApplicationConfigurations.ApplicationConfigurationDto] GetAsync() on controller Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApplicationConfigurations.AbpApplicationConfigurationController (Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc).
2022-07-21 20:37:54.926 +03:00 [INF] Executing AbpApplicationConfigurationAppService.GetAsync()...
2022-07-21 20:37:55.612 +03:00 [DBG] PermissionStore.GetCacheItemAsync: pn:U,pk:0dd8a970-4a2a-53fd-4117-39fcf9f8b8be,n:FeatureManagement.ManageHostFeatures,pn:U,pk:0dd8a970-4a2a-53fd-4117-39fcf9f8b8be,n:AbpIdentity.Roles,pn:U,pk:0dd8a970-4a2a-53fd-4117-39fcf9f8b8be,n:AbpIdentity.Roles.Create,pn:U,pk:0dd8a970-4a2a-53fd-4117-39fcf9f8b8be,n:AbpIdentity.Roles.Update,pn:U,pk:0dd8a970-4a2a...........................................................................d8a970-4a2a-53fd-4117-39fcf9f8b8be,n:Realtor.RealEstates.Create,pn:U,pk:0dd8a970-4a2a-53fd-4117-39fcf9f8b8be,n:Realtor.RealEstates.Edit,pn:U,pk:0dd8a970-4a2a-53fd-4117-39fcf9f8b8be,n:Realtor.RealEstates.Delete
2022-07-21 20:37:55.732 +03:00 [DBG] Getting not cache granted permissions from the repository for this provider name,key: U,0dd8a970-4a2a-53fd-4117-39fcf9f8b8be
2022-07-21 20:37:55.811 +03:00 [DBG] Setting the cache items. Count: 68
2022-07-21 20:37:55.890 +03:00 [DBG] Finished setting the cache items. Count: 68
2022-07-21 20:37:55.903 +03:00 [DBG] PermissionStore.GetCacheItemAsync: pn:R,pk:admin,n:FeatureManagement.ManageHostFeatures,pn:R,pk:admin,n:AbpIdentity.Ro..................................................tes.Edit,pn:R,pk:admin,n:Realtor.RealEstates.Delete
2022-07-21 20:37:55.961 +03:00 [DBG] Getting not cache granted permissions from the repository for this provider name,key: R,admin
2022-07-21 20:37:55.974 +03:00 [DBG] Setting the cache items. Count: 68
2022-07-21 20:37:56.047 +03:00 [DBG] Finished setting the cache items. Count: 68
2022-07-21 20:37:56.054 +03:00 [DBG] PermissionStore.GetCacheItemAsync: pn:C,pk:Realtor_App,n:AbpIdentity.UserLookup
2022-07-21 20:37:56.108 +03:00 [DBG] Not found in the cache: pn:C,pk:Realtor_App,n:AbpIdentity.UserLookup
2022-07-21 20:37:56.112 +03:00 [DBG] Getting all granted permissions from the repository for this provider name,key: C,Realtor_App
2022-07-21 20:37:56.123 +03:00 [DBG] Setting the cache items. Count: 77
2022-07-21 20:37:56.203 +03:00 [DBG] Finished setting the cache items. Count: 77
2022-07-21 20:37:56.218 +03:00 [INF] STOPWATCH ApplicationAuthConfigurationDto() - 1288
2022-07-21 20:37:56.221 +03:00 [INF] STOPWATCH GetFeaturesConfigAsync() - 1
2022-07-21 20:37:56.333 +03:00 [INF] STOPWATCH GetLocalizationConfigAsync() - PART 1 - 109
2022-07-21 20:38:04.545 +03:00 [DBG] Executing HealthCheck collector HostedService.
2022-07-21 20:38:04.547 +03:00 [INF] Start processing HTTP request GET "https://localhost:44358/health-status"
2022-07-21 20:38:04.547 +03:00 [INF] Sending HTTP request GET "https://localhost:44358/health-status"
2022-07-21 20:38:04.548 +03:00 [INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET https://localhost:44358/health-status - -
2022-07-21 20:38:04.897 +03:00 [INF] Executing endpoint 'Health checks'
2022-07-21 20:38:04.906 +03:00 [INF] Executed endpoint 'Health checks'
2022-07-21 20:38:04.906 +03:00 [INF] Received HTTP response headers after 359.4587ms - 200
2022-07-21 20:38:04.906 +03:00 [INF] End processing HTTP request after 359.674ms - 200
2022-07-21 20:38:04.909 +03:00 [INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET https://localhost:44358/health-status - - - 200 - application/json 360.9457ms
2022-07-21 20:38:04.910 +03:00 [DBG] HealthReportCollector - health report execution history saved.
2022-07-21 20:38:04.910 +03:00 [DBG] HealthReport history already exists and is in the same state, updating the values.
2022-07-21 20:38:04.911 +03:00 [DBG] HealthReportCollector has completed.
2022-07-21 20:38:04.911 +03:00 [DBG] HealthCheck collector HostedService executed successfully.
**2022-07-21 20:38:13.051 +03:00 [INF] STOPWATCH GetLocalizationConfigAsync() - PART 2 - 16718**
2022-07-21 20:38:13.058 +03:00 [INF] STOPWATCH GetLocalizationConfigAsync() - PART 3 - 6
2022-07-21 20:38:13.058 +03:00 [INF] STOPWATCH GetLocalizationConfigAsync() - 16834
2022-07-21 20:38:13.426 +03:00 [INF] STOPWATCH GetSettingConfigAsync() - 362
2022-07-21 20:38:13.838 +03:00 [INF] STOPWATCH GetAsync() - 18912
2022-07-21 20:38:13.838 +03:00 [INF] Executed AbpApplicationConfigurationAppService.GetAsync().
2022-07-21 20:38:13.852 +03:00 [INF] Executing ObjectResult, writing value of type 'Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApplicationConfigurations.ApplicationConfigurationDto'.
**2022-07-21 20:38:13.884 +03:00 [INF] Executed action Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApplicationConfigurations.AbpApplicationConfigurationController.GetAsync (Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc) in 18994.6453ms**

I have insert AbpApplicationConfigurationAppService where I insert some STOPWATCHs I have got ~19sec for AbpApplicationConfigurationAppService.GetAsync() and all other queries for backend has more time.

Why is it appear? What can I do with this problem?

Best regards, Advantiss Inc


Can you try the test code in the latest template?

If still slow please share the project with me

Hi, I tried to create new project with using angular(from ""), but I have got error after "npm install" and "npm start": [error] Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, lstat 'F:\Training\TestRedis1\angular\node_modules@swimlane' at Object.realpathSync (node:fs:2486:7) at resolveGlobalStyles (F:\Training\TestRedis1\angular\node_modules@angular-devkit\build-angular\src\webpack\configs\styles.js:60:31) at getStylesConfig (F:\Training\TestRedis1\angular\node_modules@angular-devkit\build-angular\src\webpack\configs\styles.js:92:70) at F:\Training\TestRedis1\angular\node_modules@angular-devkit\build-angular\src\builders\dev-server\index.js:137:43 at F:\Training\TestRedis1\angular\node_modules@angular-devkit\build-angular\src\utils\webpack-browser-config.js:76:16 at generateWebpackConfig (F:\Training\TestRedis1\angular\node_modules@angular-devkit\build-angular\src\utils\webpack-browser-config.js:65:40) at async generateBrowserWebpackConfigFromContext (F:\Training\TestRedis1\angular\node_modules@angular-devkit\build-angular\src\utils\webpack-browser-config.js:127:20) at async generateI18nBrowserWebpackConfigFromContext (F:\Training\TestRedis1\angular\node_modules@angular-devkit\build-angular\src\utils\webpack-browser-config.js:74:20) at async setup (F:\Training\TestRedis1\angular\node_modules@angular-devkit\build-angular\src\builders\dev-server\index.js:134:47)

I installed @swimlane, but after that I have got another errors

Error: node_modules/@abp/ng.theme.shared/node_modules/@swimlane/ngx-datatable/lib/services/scrollbar-helper.service.d.ts:12:26 - error TS2694: Namespace '"F:/Training/TestRedis1/angular/node_modules/@abp/ng.theme.shared/node_modules/@angular/core/core"' has no exported member 'ɵɵInjectableDeclaration'. 12 static ɵprov: ɵngcc0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<ScrollbarHelper>;

Best regards, Advantiss Inc

I have tried to use redis, but I got to decrease performance

  • ABP Framework version: v4.3.3
  • UI type: Angular
  • DB provider: MongoDB
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes
  • Exception message and stack trace:
2022-07-06 22:01:21.840 +03:00 [DBG] Executing AbpApplicationConfigurationAppService.GetAsync()...
2022-07-06 22:01:22.573 +03:00 [DBG] PermissionStore.GetCacheItemAsync: pn:U,pk:f164aa86-f536-867d-4c7f-3a049335a0ec,n:FeatureManagement.ManageHostFeatures,pn:U,pk:f164aa86-f536-867d-4c7f-3a049335a0ec,n:AbpIdentity.Roles,pn:U,pk:f164aa86-f536-867d-4c7f-3a........................................................
2022-07-06 22:01:22.651 +03:00 [DBG] Not found in the cache: pn:U,pk:f164aa86-f536-867d-4c7f-3a049335a0ec,n:FeatureManagement.ManageHostFeatures,pn:U,pk:f164aa86-f536-867d-4c7f-3a049335a0ec,n:AbpI..................................................................
2022-07-06 22:01:22.671 +03:00 [DBG] Getting not cache granted permissions from the repository for this provider name,key: U,f164aa86-f536-867d-4c7f-3a049335a0ec
2022-07-06 22:01:22.701 +03:00 [DBG] Setting the cache items. Count: 95
2022-07-06 22:01:22.798 +03:00 [DBG] Finished setting the cache items. Count: 95
2022-07-06 22:01:22.822 +03:00 [DBG] PermissionStore.GetCacheItemAsync: pn:R,pk:admin,n:FeatureManagement.ManageHostFeatures,pn:R,pk:admin,n:AbpIdentity.Roles,pn:R,pk:admin,n:AbpIdentity.Roles.Create,pn:R,pk:admin,n:AbpIdentity.Roles.Update,pn:R,pk:admin...................................................................
2022-07-06 22:01:22.876 +03:00 [DBG] Not found in the cache: pn:R,pk:admin,n:FeatureManagement.ManageHostFeatures,pn:R,pk:admin,n:AbpIdentity.Roles,pn:R,pk:admin,n:AbpIdentity.Roles.Create,pn:R,pk:admin,n:AbpIdentity.Roles.Update,pn:R,pk:admin,...........................................................
2022-07-06 22:01:22.898 +03:00 [DBG] Getting not cache granted permissions from the repository for this provider name,key: R,admin
2022-07-06 22:01:22.929 +03:00 [DBG] Setting the cache items. Count: 95
2022-07-06 22:01:23.011 +03:00 [DBG] Finished setting the cache items. Count: 95
2022-07-06 22:01:23.023 +03:00 [DBG] PermissionStore.GetCacheItemAsync: pn:C,pk:Dibl_App,n:AbpIdentity.UserLookup
2022-07-06 22:01:23.064 +03:00 [DBG] Not found in the cache: pn:C,pk:Dibl_App,n:AbpIdentity.UserLookup
2022-07-06 22:01:23.072 +03:00 [DBG] Getting all granted permissions from the repository for this provider name,key: C,Dibl_App
2022-07-06 22:01:23.086 +03:00 [DBG] Setting the cache items. Count: 104
2022-07-06 22:01:23.199 +03:00 [DBG] Finished setting the cache items. Count: 104
2022-07-06 22:01:23.227 +03:00 [DBG] STOPWATCH ApplicationAuthConfigurationDto() - 1381
2022-07-06 22:01:23.235 +03:00 [DBG] STOPWATCH GetFeaturesConfigAsync() - 2
2022-07-06 22:01:23.324 +03:00 [DBG] STOPWATCH GetLocalizationConfigAsync() - PART 1 - 84
2022-07-06 22:01:35.268 +03:00 [DBG] STOPWATCH GetLocalizationConfigAsync() - PART 2 - 11939
2022-07-06 22:01:35.276 +03:00 [DBG] STOPWATCH GetLocalizationConfigAsync() - PART 3 - 5
2022-07-06 22:01:35.279 +03:00 [DBG] STOPWATCH GetLocalizationConfigAsync() - 12039
2022-07-06 22:01:35.550 +03:00 [DBG] STOPWATCH GetSettingConfigAsync() - 262
2022-07-06 22:01:35.982 +03:00 [DBG] STOPWATCH GetAsync() - 14142
2022-07-06 22:01:35.985 +03:00 [DBG] Executed AbpApplicationConfigurationAppService.GetAsync().
* **Steps to reproduce the issue**:"
Enable redis...

After that:
AbpApplicationConfigurationAppService.GetAsync() is executed about 12+ sec
And this method is called every refresh page.
I added some Stopwatch and got such results:
2022-07-06 22:01:35.268 +03:00 [DBG] STOPWATCH GetLocalizationConfigAsync() - PART 2 - 11939

Why does reading localization resources take this time? What can I do with this problem?

If I disable redis I will get: STOPWATCH GetAsync() - 2069, and this method is called once.

from code:


foreach (var resource in _localizationOptions.Resources.Values)
    var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();

    var localizer = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService(
    ) as IStringLocalizer;

    foreach (var localizedString in localizer.GetAllStrings())
        dictionary[localizedString.Name] = localizedString.Value;

    localizationConfig.Values[resource.ResourceName] = dictionary;

Logger.LogDebug("STOPWATCH GetLocalizationConfigAsync() - PART 2 - " + stopWatch1.ElapsedMilliseconds);

Best regards, Advantiss Inc

User_1 get AntiforgeryValidationException, because cookie XSRF-TOKEN changed/removed after login User_2, but error message does not reflect real situation... Do you have any variants for solution this problem? Maybe, change error message or login User_1 with logout User_2?

  • ABP Framework version: v4.3.3
  • UI type: Angular
  • DB provider: MongoDB
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes
  • Exception message and stack trace: [15:36:39 INF] Route matched with {page = "/Account/Login", action = "", controller = "", area = ""}. Executing page /Account/Login [15:36:39 INF] Skipping the execution of current filter as its not the most effective filter implementing the policy Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.IAntiforgeryPolicy [15:36:39 INF] Antiforgery token validation failed. The antiforgery cookie token and request token do not match. Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery.AntiforgeryValidationException: The antiforgery cookie token and request token do not match. at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery.DefaultAntiforgery.ValidateTokens(HttpContext httpContext, AntiforgeryTokenSet antiforgeryTokenSet) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery.DefaultAntiforgery.ValidateRequestAsync(HttpContext httpContext) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.Filters.ValidateAntiforgeryTokenAuthorizationFilter.OnAuthorizationAsync(AuthorizationFilterContext context) [15:36:39 INF] Authorization failed for the request at filter 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.Filters.AutoValidateAntiforgeryTokenAuthorizationFilter'. [15:36:39 INF] Executing HttpStatusCodeResult, setting HTTP status code 400 [15:36:39 INF] Executed page /Account/Login in 142.0991ms [15:36:39 INF] Executed endpoint '/Account/Login'

  • Steps to reproduce the issue:" User 1 and User 2 try to login in one browser
  1. User 1: Open Login page
  2. User 2: Open Login Page, Authorization and return to main site
  3. User 1: Try to Authorization and get AntiforgeryValidationException error

Best regards, Advantiss Inc

Showing 11 to 18 of 18 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 14, 2025, 14:54