Activities of "berkansasmaz"

Oops! Really sorry I missed that NoLayer / MVC application. I will create an internal issue on the subject.

Can you try the following steps for a solution?

  1. Create abp.resourcemapping.js in the folder where package.json is.


module.exports = {
    aliases: {

    clean: [

    mappings: {

Then, after defining the relevant mapping, simply run the abp install-libs command.

For example:


  "version": "1.0.0",
  "name": "my-app",
  "private": true,
  "dependencies": {
    "cookieconsent": "^3.1.1", // added with "yarn add cookieconsent" command
    "jquery-unveil": "^1.3.2" // added with "yarn add jquery-unveil" command


module.exports = {
    aliases: {

    clean: [

    mappings: {
        "@node_modules/cookieconsent/build/*": "@libs/cookieconsent/", // added
        "@node_modules/jquery-unveil/*": "@libs/jquery-unveil/" // added 

run abp install-libs command

As a result, you can check the libs folder under wwwroot folder.

Please let me know if this works or not works for you.


I think the following code is causing the problem.

var tenant = context.Tenants.Where(u => EF.Property<string>(u, "Host") == host);

I have a few questions so that I can better assist you with the problem:

1-) Is there a code like the picture below in the YourProjectNameDbContextModelSnapshot.cs class inside the YourProjectName.EntityFrameworkCore or YourProjectName.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations project?

2-) Is there a Host section as a separate column in the SaasTenants table in the database used by the application?

If your answer to these questions is yes, do you have a chance to send the content of your application's **DbContext.cs classes?


I believe you will find relevant information in this document.

You can refer to the answer given by Kévin, the creator of openiddict, on the subject on StackOverflow. See:

Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): Tiered

Hi, I see you are using a tiered structure. Please make sure that YourProjectName.AuthServer is running before YourProjectName.Blazor is running.

Note: Unable to access AuthServer, which I understand from Stacktrace

Hello, we are currently still working on it. We started with KeyCloak integration to the eshoponabp project before the documents. You can review this PR if you want to check what has been done, even though it has some missing integration at the moment.

You can also check out previous developments on this subject here.

There is a breaking change regarding using IRemoteContentStream in version 5.0.0. It seems to me that the object is probably disposed of while you call Upload


But it would be great if you could test this to speak beyond the assumptions. For this, you can pass false to disposeStream parameter while creating an instance of RemoteStreamContent.

new RemoteStreamContent(...., disposeStream: false)

If it is as I said, I believe you can solve the problem similar to the code below:

                await using var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
                if (Organization.ProfilePictureFile != null && Organization.ProfilePictureFile.Length > 0)
                    await Organization.ProfilePictureFile.CopyToAsync(memoryStream);
                    memoryStream.Position = 0;
                    createOrganizationDto.ProfilePictureStreamContent = new RemoteStreamContent(memoryStream, fileName: Organization.ProfilePictureFile.FileName, contentType: Organization.ProfilePictureFile.ContentType);

                var organization = await _organizationAppService.CreateAsync(createOrganizationDto);
                await memoryStream.DisposeAsync();


The topic doesn't seem to be related to ABP as Maliming said, but I would like to mention a few resources that you may find useful.

Unfortunately, this is not the default behavior. However, you can do this easily.

Note: You can find more information about the default behavior here.

If you want to know more about how to set the sliding expiration, please see here

I can also recommend you to look at the IdentityServer's documents related to this subject.

In its simplest form, it should be similar to the following code:

SlidingRefreshTokenLifetime = (int)TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5).TotalSeconds,
RefreshTokenExpiration = (int)TokenExpiration.Sliding,
AccessTokenLifetime = (int)TimeSpan.FromMinutes(3).TotalSeconds,

The topic doesn't seem to be about ABP(should be no different from a regular ASP.NET application) but I found a resource for you =>

To expire the session and force to re-authenticate with the existing user session, you could directly logout AAD and then clear the cache.

Actually, the lifetime of the token is very long, but we switched our websites from IdentityServer to OpenIddict. During this transition, old tokens were invalidated.

Showing 31 to 40 of 266 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 14, 2025, 14:54