Activities of "berkansasmaz"

Problem 3: See

I'll check for other problems.

Can you run the following two commands in the YourProjectName.OrderService.HttpApi.Client project?

Note: Before running the commands, make sure to write your OrderService's port in the {YourOrderServicePort} section and make sure the application is running.

  1. abp generate-proxy -t csharp -u https://localhost:{YourOrderServicePort} -m OrderService
  2. abp generate-proxy -t js -u https://localhost:{YourOrderServicePort} -m OrderService

Afterward, it should be sufficient to run the project again.

I'm creating an internal issue on the topic. Thanks for reporting it.

Sure I can, you can find all the information you need below.


using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Owl.reCAPTCHA;
using Owl.reCAPTCHA.v3;
using Volo.Abp;
using Volo.Abp.GlobalFeatures;
using Volo.CmsKit.GlobalFeatures;

namespace Volo.CmsKit.Public.Contact;

[RemoteService(Name = CmsKitProPublicRemoteServiceConsts.RemoteServiceName)]
public class ContactPublicController : CmsKitProPublicController, IContactPublicAppService
    protected IContactPublicAppService ContactPublicAppService { get; }

    protected IreCAPTCHASiteVerifyV3 SiteVerify { get; }

    public ContactPublicController(IContactPublicAppService contactPublicAppService, IreCAPTCHASiteVerifyV3 siteVerify)
        ContactPublicAppService = contactPublicAppService;
        SiteVerify = siteVerify;

    public virtual async Task SendMessageAsync(ContactCreateInput input)
        var response = await SiteVerify.Verify(new reCAPTCHASiteVerifyRequest
            Response = input.RecaptchaToken,
            RemoteIp = HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.ToString()

        if (response.Success && response.Score > 0.5)
            await ContactPublicAppService.SendMessageAsync(input);
            throw new UserFriendlyException(L["RecaptchaError"]);


(function ($) {
    var l = abp.localization.getResource("CmsKit");

    abp.widgets.CmsContact = function ($widget) {
        var widgetManager = $"abp-widget-manager");

        function init() {
            $widget.find(".contact-form").on('submit', '', function (e) {

                var formAsObject = $(this).serializeFormToObject();

                        subject: formAsObject.subject,
                        email: formAsObject.emailAddress,
                        message: formAsObject.message,
                        recaptchaToken: formAsObject.recaptchaToken
                ).then(function () {
                        .then(function () {

        return {
            init: init

We are aware of this issue, it will be fixed with the patch version soon. As a workaround, you need to override ContactPublicController's SendMessageAsync method and delete the reCAPTCHA related code, also you need to override the Contact component's default.js and assign a value to its RecaptchaToken because RecaptchaToken Required attribute is added in ContactCreateInput.

With this workaround solution, we disable reCAPTCHA, but as you said, it doesn't work even if we make the necessary configurations, but it will be solved with the patch version, so my advice is to wait for the patch version.

Yes, that's right, LeptonX will be the default theme with version 6.0.0.rc-1. However, I would like to remind you that LeptonX is currently released with an rc version, and the new version to be released is the rc version. So there will be bugs but the purpose of these versions is to make them ready for a stable version.

If you want, you can stay in the stable version and use the Lepton theme and download the source code. For now, you can't do this with LeptonX, but as I said before, we are trying to find a suitable solution that will not upset our customers.


We will not allow downloading Lepton-X for now, but we are trying to find a good solution that will not upset our customers, we will announce the necessary information when we allow downloading.

The tenant exists in the database but still we are getting this error. Step 1: The user is using the applicaiton for say 10 minutes. Step2 : After say 10 mins when trying to access the application we get this error, Tenant not found. Step 3: After clearing cache, it works. Need to know why this happens when tenant exists.

Then there is only one option left: examining incoming calls by putting a breakpoint on TenantStore's GetCacheItemAsync method. I think we will understand the problem by debugging.

To make this easier, you can override TenantStore's GetCacheItemAsync and call the base method.

Thanks for the information, I'm closing it now that the problem is solved.

Hello again, thank you very much for the information you provided. I tried again with 19064 records, but I couldn't reproduce it again. I'll add more records and try, but I have one more question.

What kind of result do you get when you run queries that cover the following situations on the database server?

{"skip": 0, "limit": 1, "batchSize": 2, "sort": { "Name": 1 }}

{"skip": 1, "limit": 1, "batchSize": 2, "sort": { "Name": 1 }}

{"skip": 2, "limit": 1, "batchSize": 2, "sort": { "Name": 1 }}

I need this answer to make sure the problem is not data related.

Hi, I've spent quite a bit of time on the problem but I'm having trouble reproducing it. I don't think the problem is related to static-proxy, but to confirm my assumption, I need to know if you are facing the same problem when you send a request to product-service via swagger. Also, I would appreciate it if you could provide a minimally reproducible example for healthier tests.

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