Thanks @liangshiwei ! That was exactly the problem.
I have another question though relating to this were we are creating a custom tenant resolver that resolves based on subdomain.
Using We now have the tenant properly being resolved based on subdomain, but every redirect goes back to the main domain without the tenant's current subdomain in the URL.
I'm assuming the redirect information is coming from appsettings.json's "App:SelfUrl" and/or "App:RedirectAllowedUrls" settings. How can the system be aware of the tenant subdomain in the URL when the system is redirecting or a user clicks on a email confirmation link? Any information and/or examples you can share would be greatly appreciated.
Hi @liangshiwei,
AddAppSettingsSecretsJson() is not a method of IConfigurationBuilder, so the change to DbContextFactory didn't work for us.
FYI - Instead, we got it to work by adding the following to the CreateHostBuilder method of Program.cs in the DbMigrator project.
.ConfigureAppConfiguration((hostContext, builder) =>
if (hostContext.HostingEnvironment.IsDevelopment())
Thanks @liangshiwei, this worked perfectly
Excellent, thanks @liangshiwei
Thanks, @liangshiwei! This was everything I needed to customize the personal settings area as needed.
Thanks @liangshiwei !
Thanks for looking into this @liangshiwei.
We verified the version numbers and now see the reCAPTCHA check box on the login form. The problem we are still seeing is that if you don't check the box and click to login, an error to check the box is present but the form disappears.
Can you try this when you get a chance? Here is our setup...
We are using the lepton theme instead of the leptonX theme. Could that have something to do with it?
Can you share some browser developer tools screenshots?
Hi, I created a new application template in Abp 5.2 with the same options and I confirmed that reCAPCHA works as expected in 5.2. Please advise on working with Abp 7.0.1
Thanks in advance,