Activities of "RonaldR"

This works fairly well, the one issuei am finding is that i sometimes get a null reference on this line, whcih makes no sense to me:

var connectionString = base.Resolve(connectionStringName);


you want to know if i use your cli to create a new application can i reproduce it?


ok, lets try this again. i have never had this issue with any other project, so there must be a way that i am just missing. the issue is when we are running in viual studio, in .net 5, our app crashes every 15 minutes when the cookie dies. how do we prevent this? this is causing a lot of problems for us, especially considering it takes a minutes or more to run our app every time because of the discovery process. i know there has to be a way to expect the cookie so that bearer token doesnt disappear. the token is valid for hours, so the fact it fails must be a cookie issue. how can we resolve this?


we added [unitofwork] to the functionthat gets the permissions and it seemed to have respolve the problem, i just dont understand why


we just moved to .net 5 and ver 4.0.0 of abp. what we found when we did this was wheni run the site it works, but if i stop it and restart it from visual studio we get a context already closed exception. after a bunch of playing around and testing i find that if i clear the cookie then i can restart it because it pushed me through the login again. so what it looks like is whe i return to the browser and a session or cookie is still alive from a previous session it fails to work, but if i delete the cookie and i am forced to authenticate then it works fine. have you seen this before?


we are also having a new cookie issue (i think it is cookie). we just moved to .net 5 and ver 4.0.0 of abp. what we found when we did this was wheni run the site it works, but if i stop it and restart it from visual studio we get a context already closed exception. after a bunch of playing around and testing i find that if i clear the cookie then i can restart it because it pushed me through the login again. so what it looks like is whe i return to the browser and a session or cookie is still alive from a previous session it fails to work, but if i delete the cookie and i am forced to authenticate then it works fine. have you seen this before?

I have a ticket for .net conversion, should i ask this question there insstead?


so your answer is that there is no way to extend that 15 minute window to allow for a longer time? if i walk away form my desk for 30 minutes for lunch my site dies while i am gone? cant we manually set the ispersistant to keep the cookie or prevent the session from dying?


that didnt seem to work either. i mdified the ConfigureAuthenication, removing the last attemot and adding the code you recommended. i am still runing in to the same issue. i started the site, logged in, used the menu and navigated to a page. i left and came back 45 minutes last. the sliding expiratation is set to 12 hours. when i tried to navigate to another page after the 45 minutes, it no longer knew who i was again and my application crashed.

private void ConfigureAuthentication(ServiceConfigurationContext context, IConfiguration configuration)
        .AddJwtBearer(options =>
            options.Authority = configuration["AuthServer:Authority"];
            options.RequireHttpsMetadata = false;
            options.Audience = "TFORM";

    context.Services.ConfigureApplicationCookie(options =>
        options.AccessDeniedPath = "/Identity/Account/AccessDenied";
        options.Cookie.Name = "TFORM";
        options.Cookie.HttpOnly = true;
        options.ExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromHours(12);
        options.LoginPath = "/Identity/Account/Login";
        // ReturnUrlParameter requires 
        //using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies;
        options.ReturnUrlParameter = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.ReturnUrlParameter;
        options.SlidingExpiration = true;

maybe i just dont kow ef core well enough but i didnt see the answer to my question in that link. would adding this to the connection string solve the issue? ;Pooling=true;MinPoolSize=0;MaxPoolSize=10;


we have a 3.3.1 commericail license, it will work find with 4-rv4? can i select that from there? 4 is the right version for needing .net 5? if i need different download then what is the link to get that?

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