Hi, I tried using Text-Templating, but am running into an issue.
I'm using: "Volo.Abp.TextTemplating.Razor" Version="5.1.3"
I set up the project similar to https://github.com/abpframework/abp-samples/tree/master/TextTemplateDemo/Razor
When I try to use:
var body = await _templateRenderer.RenderAsync("ChangeEmailRequest", model);
It doesn't render the properties.
Here is an example of the result:
Another example without using a layout:
I fixed this by adding ".WithRazorEngine()" to my EmailTemplateDefinitionProvider:
Hi, I tried using Text-Templating, but am running into an issue.
I'm using: "Volo.Abp.TextTemplating.Razor" Version="5.1.3"
I set up the project similar to https://github.com/abpframework/abp-samples/tree/master/TextTemplateDemo/Razor
When I try to use:
var body = await _templateRenderer.RenderAsync("ChangeEmailRequest", model);
It doesn't render the properties.
Here is an example of the result:
Another example without using a layout:
Using tye worked, I think the issue was the other projects were not built first. Meaning the service folder needed to be built before you compile the main one. I think.
Scott, just look at the docs online and follow them to the letter. It will work!
Malik, are you going to swap out Ocelet for Yarp anytime soon. I think the community edition already did. Ocelet is a dead project and Yarp is way better.
The blog was inaccurate? You cannot do it the way they said?
Either way I tried doing it your way. We don't have the angular UI on my project, so I added it into migrations.
Does it use the key the name, "Abp.Account.EMailConfirmationLink"? I inserted a value for "Abp.Account.EMailConfirmationLink" with content for the email, but it did not use it when I send the confirmation email.
Also, where are the original templates coming from? Is it a resource or something? Since database, after initial migration, does not have the list of templates shown above. The "AbpTextTemplateContents" table is empty on initial migration.
Sorry for all the questions, it's just confusing.
We resolved this. It was an issues with 5.1.2, we just moved to 5.1.3