Activities of "BassaSolutions"

The parameters also often contains large base64 images, so a maxlength parameter field would seriously impact our database performance. It would be great when at least 1 field of the audit/auditaction table works for this. Eg. comments ui gets scrollable when length > 200.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Use Blazor Server
  • Write an invalid JSON into AuditLogActions.Details. (e.g.Cut off valid json at 2000 characters). Can also be directy edited in the database.
  • Open Audilogs->Actions->Details

Ok, I tried fixing it by writing the data to antoher field (e.g. increasing comments size and writing it there, or in ExtraProperties).

None of it works, because the UI does not display it. (e.g. comments only shows first 200 characters, Extraproperties seems to not be able to hande json).

This works half way, the data is inserted into the DB. But now the Frontend crashes (Blazor), because the Page (AuditLogs -> Action -> Details) seems to expect a valid JSON:

 ---> System.Text.Json.JsonReaderException: Expected end of string, but instead reached end of data. LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 1999.

I guess this was the reason why it was just not inserted into the DB. For auditing it would be really useful to still get the information, wo can this be fixed?

Ok, I formulated it badly.

I mean the property AbpAuditLogActions.Parameters, where the HTTP POST Body is logged.

It has a max length of 2000 characters. When the JSON is longer than 2000, it will log nothing at all. I would like to have it cut off instead, same as AbpAuditLogs.Comments.

Audit logging:

When the paramter is larger than 2000 characters, no parameters are logged.

Is it possible to cut off the parameters at 2000 chars and still log them? The same way 'comments' in audit logs corrently works.

  • ABP Framework version: v4.3.2
  • UI type: Blazor
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): no
  • Exception message and stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:"

With 4.3.2, we added a Blazor.Server Startup Project to our existing Blazor Project. On Blazor WASM, ABP automatically shows Error Dialogs for exceptions, e.g. for validations or UserFriendlyExceptions.

On Server side blazor no dialog is shown, instead, the whole client freezes. What must be done to get the ABP Error Dialog on Blazor.Server?

How to reproduce:

  1. Use new 4.3.2 (or 4.3.3) startup template with blazor
  2. Start blazor.server
  3. Throw UserFriendlyException

Thanks you!

Ok, so there is no documentation, but in the latest preview there is the option to get blazor side server application... But I am pretty sure the result is broken. There is no Host project that can be started.

We would like to migrate as soon as possible, because waiting 20 seconds for a page is not ok to offer to any user.

I could not find any documentation to blazor server on the abp docs, there is just a description of a blazor client setup. Is it already in version 4.2.2? I'd be glad if you can point me to some documentation.


  • **ABP Framework version:**4.2.0
  • UI type: Blazor
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • **Tiered (MVC) **: yes

There are 2 main issues:

  • The startup is extremly slow
    • First call of the website (just test abp commercial startup template with blazor) needs 10-20 seconds.
    • When using a microsoft blazor client example, its 5 times faster
  • Responsiveness of UI elements of ABP blazor (e.g. abp table) is really bad.
    • e.g. When hovering over dropdowns it has ~500ms delay before it opens. Moving throw a page where things happen feels very slow.
    • When implementing our own blazor page within the abp application, without using abp blazor ui (only injected abp services), everything works without any delay, fast as expected.

My questions:

  • Are there known issues that lead to this bad performance?
  • Is this beeing worked on? Will the performance (of these 2 issues, but mainly the startup time!) improve in the future?
  • Is there anything that can be done now to improve it? (e.g. certain abp features that should not be used together with blazor?)
Showing 31 to 40 of 49 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 14, 2025, 14:54